NCRC Meeting Monday June 13 at 7 PM

Hello all!

Our next meeting is this coming Monday, June 13th at 7 PM.  As usual, it will be held via Zoom.  Members will be receiving a Zoom invitation via email within the next day.  As usual, our business meeting will be short, and members are advised to check the Committee Reports for detailed information of things that have been going on.

Our classes have successfully completed along with 3 VE sessions, all of which were expeditiously completed electronically using tablet computers.  Congratulations to 15 new Technicians and 5 folks upgrading to General and Extra.

After the business meeting, we will focus on Field Day preparations (June 24/25/26), then we will have set of longer breakout meeting rooms for casual conversation, followed by the big room for chatting until the wee hours.

If you can help with Field Day setup/takedown/feeding, please use this form to let us know

DX Fun during the W1SYE 10m Net

There were 16 stations that checked into the 10-meter net this evening (7:30 PM, Thursday, 28.305 MHz).  About six of them were in other states (FL, ME, OH).

Of course the noise level is quite pleasant on 10-meters as well.

Join us some Thursday night at 7:30 PM!

New to Morse Code? Give K1USN SST a Try!

Regular practice is a key part of improving Morse Code proficiency.  Simply doing endless recorded practice sessions becomes boring after awhile and doesn’t mimic real-world band conditions very well.  For those trying to grow your CW speed to 15 to 20 WPM, participating in the K1USN SST mini-contests is a sure fire way to improve both your sending and receiving skills.

Fridays 20:00-21:00 UTC: 4-5pm EDT
Mondays 00:00-01:00 UTC: 8-9pm EDT

80 meters 3.528 – 3.545 MHz

40 meters 7.028 – 7.045 MHz

20 meters 14.028 – 14.045 MHz

15 meters 21.028 – 21.045 MHz

10 meters 28.028 – 28.045 MHz

The contest exchange is quite simple.  Stations will exchange their call signs, name and state.  Give it a try!


NCRC Meeting via Zoom: Mon May 9 at 7 PM

We will be having our monthly club meeting via zoom at 7 PM on Monday May 9. Invitations will be sent via email to club members.

In addition to our short business meeting, where we will vote on new members, a presentation will given by John K1JSM, Rob WA1ROB, Teri W1PUP, Nancy KC1NEK, and Scott WX1X – all of whom were volunteers at the recent Boston Marathon.  Following the presentation, we will offer a selection of various Break Out Rooms that you can join in depending on your interests.

Please be aware that committee reports can be viewed on the club website:

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

First 10-meter net of this century successful!

Rather than run a formal net, tonight’s session was mostly to check the viability of using 10-meter 28.305 for a RI net.  We had 16 folks check in and give singal reports.  In general, people were very readable.

At least one Technician who had never made a HF contact joined the fun.