NCRC Meeting: Monday ONLINE August 10 at 7 PM

Hello everyone – this summer is speeding by despite being stuck mostly at home and getting wacked by a tropical storm.  Hopefully everyone has power back and things cleaned up.

It is time for our NCRC meeting, which will be held via ZOOM.  After a short business meeting and induction of new members, Mike James AC1GM, will be giving a presentation on “Field Day in the Boondocks”

Invitations will be mailed to members shortly.  See everyone at 7 PM on Monday!

NCRC Meeting: Mon July 13 @ 7:00 PM via ZOOM

It is time for the Newport County Radio Club monthly meeting.  We will continue to hold our meetings via Zoom.  The next one will be Monday July 13 at 7:00 PM.  Check your email for your invitation!

In addition to our usual business items and induction of new members (153 now), the meeting will discuss the results of our 2A Club Field Day Station.

Following the presentation there will be a 45 minute overview on Digital Radios (DSTAR, DMR & Fusion) as well as HotSpots and AMBE Servers given by Bob WB4SON

W1AAD DSTAR Machine Running Again

Thanks to the efforts of Paul K1YBE and Ted W1GRI, who visited the site at noon today, the DSTAR machine is back up and running.  The issue was the failure of a “Relay In A Box” — which is used to interrupt the power from the uninterruptible power supply to the computer.  That RIB had failed open — no power to the PC, so no fancy Reflector stuff.

The RIB will be replaced when we can gain access to the repeater again.