DX Fun during the W1SYE 10m Net

There were 16 stations that checked into the 10-meter net this evening (7:30 PM, Thursday, 28.305 MHz).  About six of them were in other states (FL, ME, OH).

Of course the noise level is quite pleasant on 10-meters as well.

Join us some Thursday night at 7:30 PM!

New to Morse Code? Give K1USN SST a Try!

Regular practice is a key part of improving Morse Code proficiency.  Simply doing endless recorded practice sessions becomes boring after awhile and doesn’t mimic real-world band conditions very well.  For those trying to grow your CW speed to 15 to 20 WPM, participating in the K1USN SST mini-contests is a sure fire way to improve both your sending and receiving skills.

Fridays 20:00-21:00 UTC: 4-5pm EDT
Mondays 00:00-01:00 UTC: 8-9pm EDT

80 meters 3.528 – 3.545 MHz

40 meters 7.028 – 7.045 MHz

20 meters 14.028 – 14.045 MHz

15 meters 21.028 – 21.045 MHz

10 meters 28.028 – 28.045 MHz

The contest exchange is quite simple.  Stations will exchange their call signs, name and state.  Give it a try!


NCRC Meeting via Zoom: Mon May 9 at 7 PM

We will be having our monthly club meeting via zoom at 7 PM on Monday May 9. Invitations will be sent via email to club members.

In addition to our short business meeting, where we will vote on new members, a presentation will given by John K1JSM, Rob WA1ROB, Teri W1PUP, Nancy KC1NEK, and Scott WX1X – all of whom were volunteers at the recent Boston Marathon.  Following the presentation, we will offer a selection of various Break Out Rooms that you can join in depending on your interests.

Please be aware that committee reports can be viewed on the club website:  https://w1sye.org/?page_id=6044

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

First 10-meter net of this century successful!

Rather than run a formal net, tonight’s session was mostly to check the viability of using 10-meter 28.305 for a RI net.  We had 16 folks check in and give singal reports.  In general, people were very readable.

At least one Technician who had never made a HF contact joined the fun.


NCRC Starts 10-meter Net

Technicians and anyone with 10-meter gear are invited to join us for a new 10-meter net that will be held on 28.305 MHz every Thursday at 7:30 PM local time.

A simple 10-meter dipole antenna is only 16 feet long (8 feet per side) making it easy to erect.

With solar activity on the upswing, getting on 10-meters is a great way to discover the magic of HF DXing.