Meeting Reminder: ***TUESDAY*** Aug 13 @ 7PM

Please be advised that our next NCRC meeting will be on TUESDAY August 13th at 7 PM.

That’s right, due to the Victory Day holiday, our next NCRC meeting will begin at 7 PM on TUESDAY August 13th at KVH.  As usual we will begin with a brief business meeting.

Our guest speaker will be Peter Bartram, KQ1X.  Peter was a prior member of NCRC along with his dad, who was a past president.  He will be showing pictures and discussing Newport County Radio Club’s history.

Join us on Tuesday to learn of the storied history of NCRC.

(Just a heads up — you will be receiving a copy of a member interest survey via email.  We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes and fill this out so we can try to match our programs to member interests).

Newly Licensed Club Member Flies High Altitude Balloon

Professor Adria Updike (Roger Williams University), newly licensed NCRC member KC1LOK, and her student Jenna Lowe, constructed a high altitude balloon and launched it near Pittsfield MA yesterday.  The balloon included a APRS transmitter so that they could track it.

Path of Adria and Jenna’s Balloon from Pittsfield MA to Stonington CT

Adria said “We flew the balloon yesterday – launched it from Pittsfield MA, and it landed a bit further south than we anticipated, in the water just a few feet from land in Stonington CT. We managed to retrieve it from the last APRS position it sent out before landing in the water (upside down!”.

University members have a tradition of including their namesake Roger Williams in photographs taken in unusual locations, so the balloon flight would not be complete without a photo of Roger Williams taken at about 68,000 feet altitude!

Roger Williams admires the view from 68,000 feet up!

Fantastic application of Ham Radio — Congratulations to Adria and Jenna!

2-meter band under attack in Region 1

The upcoming WRC 2023 meeting has a proposal from a French company to allocate all the Region 1 2-meter band to aircraft use.  The proposal had no justification as to why 2-meters was appropriate or why other frequencies would not be suitable.  While this doesn’t impact us in Region 2, that low 2 MHz contains all the weak signal, DX and satellite bands.

The IARU says not to worry here:

This just points out that Amateur Bands are always under attack and we must defend our allocations.  The ARRL is the only group that provides funding in our region for this effort.

Upcoming ARES Events

RI ARES will be activating Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown on July 20th… 10am till 4:30pm… setup will commence at 9am… teardown after 4:30… all are welcome, although we are calling this event a general membership event…

RI ARES will be offer the ARRL Intro to Emergency Communications Course EC-001 as a hybrid, with 2 sessions as live presentations by experienced Emergency communicators… these live sessions will be held on August 10th and 17th, from 10 AM until 2 PM at the Coventry EOC.  Please confirm that you are planning on attending to

The online materials are available on the ARRL website and while it is not required that they be completed before the live sessions, it is recommended that they be begun soon, and the final exam will be required in order to get credit for the class. The course can be found at:

Paul Silverzweig, N1PSX
Section Emergency Coordinator