NCRC Meeting is TUESDAY October 10th

Our next regular NCRC meeting will be held on TUESDAY October 10th at 7:30 PM at KVH.  NOTE:  It is on TUESDAY because of the Columbus Day holiday.

The meeting will begin with a live teleconference with Bob Naumann, W5OV, about the K3LR super contest station.  Following the teleconference we will have our regular business meeting which will include the second reading of bylaws changes plus a vote on them, as well as our final chance to discuss the upcoming JOTA event (October 20/21/22).

Hope to see you on TUESDAY October 10

NCRC Needs More VEs

NCRC is lucky enough to have a number of dedicated Volunteer Examiners (VEs), but we could use more.  This is especially true since our latest Technician Class has 35 students!  The exam date is six weeks away on November 16th.

Becoming a VE is easy and free, but it can take a month or more to obtain your credentials.

If you are a General or Extra class ham, and you’d like to help out, please go to the following link on the ARRL website for more information:

SouthCoast Mini Maker Faire. Details and CQ for assistance

NCRC has a booth at the Southcoast MiniMakerFaire at the Fall River YMCA on Sunday October 1.

And our both description at:

We need some help setting up on Sunday morning before 10 am and help running the station in a GOTA mode similar to Field Day from 10 am to 4 pm.  Some of us are going to help on soldering at another booth but will have a 40/20m station and show Pixies operating CW. Bring your Pixie if you want.

We also plan to erect a 40m dipole on Thursday afternoon to simplify setup on Sunday.  Help may be needed for this.

Please contact Paul Fredette, or 401 339 3024 if you can help and of course all are welcome to come and enjoy the event.

Maker Faire Fall River October 1st

NCRC will be participating in a Maker Faire at the YMCA in Fall River on Sunday October 1st from 10 AM to 4 PM.  Our booth is entitled “Making Amateur Radio Real” and will include a Pixie to Pixie wireless demo as well as a full HF station.  In addition, it is anticipated that we will be helping with soldering demos at other locations.

While the literature might say “mini” these events are HUGE.  The last one drew about 4000 people and there is great interest in Amateur Radio as it speaks to many “Maker” themes (electronics, home brew, wireless, etc.).

If you can help, please contact Paul K1YBE who is organizing the event

More details can be found here: