Scratch that itch to learn about programming!

This month’s Modulator features a story written by Jim KA1ZOU about Mike (K1NPT) & Beth Cullen’s ongoing STEAM (Science Technology Engineering, Arts and Math) education initiatives here in RI.  Both Jim and Mike are actively engaged in teaching activities that involve a programming “language” called SCRATCH that is designed to hide some of the pesky details usually required to learn to program, while providing a fun learning environment targeted at kids.

As the Modulator article (you can find it here) points out, not only can the program be designed on the easy-to-use PC screen, it can also live and run on an inexpensive “micro:bit” board.

Check out the Modulator article for more details!

Pell Elementary School School Club Roundup on 40 and 2 meters


Apparently results were not so hot yesterday on 20 meters, so they have decided to operate on 40 meter SSB (7.225 to 7.255 MHz) starting about 4 PM today (Wednesday) in addition to 2 meter FM on 146.55 MHz

Call sign is W1SYE, and they would like to get back an exchange from you like “599 Individual RI”. Their exchange would be “599 School RI”

Posted in SCR

School Club Roundup – Helpers wanted.

This week,February 12-16, 2018, you can help youngsters all over the US by giving them a call on the radio during the School Club Roundup.  Information on the School Club Roundup can be found here:

NEW >>> NCRC members are providing radio training and stations at Pell School on Dexter St. in Newport on Monday(12) , Tuesday(13) and Wednesday(13).    If you can assist with logistics, be a mentor on the HF or 2m radios, or just want to observe the excitement of the students, please stop by between 3 and 5 on Tuesday or Wednesday. Bring ID and use the main entrance after parking across the street from the building.  Ask for Mike Cullen. Antenna setup starts around 2:30 each day.  Our  HTs will be listening to 146.55 (.55) simplex inside the building

We will likely be on 20 m at 14.250-14.280 if you want to talk to a student from your shack.  We will use our repeater on 2m and will try 40 m too.  See the story in the Feb Modulator for more local details. >>>>

All amateur bands except 60, 30, 17 and 12 meters are permitted.

Repeaters are not to be used. Only recognized simplex frequencies may be used. U. S. A. examples include 144.90-145.00; 146.49, .55, 58; and 147.42, .45, .48, .51, .54 and .57 MHz. The national calling frequency, 146.52 MHz, may not be used. Similar restrictions apply in other countries.

Suggested HF Frequencies:

Phone (MHz): 1.855-1.865; 3.850-3.880; 7.225-7.255; 14.250-14.280; 21.300-21.330; 28.440-28.460

CW (MHz): 1.800-1.810; 3.530-3.540; 7.030-7.040; 14.030-14,.040; 21.130-21.140; 28.130-28.140