Why not learn Morse Code today?

Over the next few months, Jim KA1ZOU, will be encouraging us to learn Morse Code (Including producing a special edition of the Modulator devoted to the subject). Below is an example of a text to CW generator that is sending characters at 20 WPM, but with more space between characters to reduce the average speed to 5 WPM. This is an example of the Koch (learn the character at the desired speed), and Farnsworth Method (send characters at full speed but with greater spacing at the beginning).

Play / Pause  

Learn CW Online – LCWO.net
Text to Morse Converter

Welcome New Members to NCRC

The following four folks were voted into membership at last nights meeting.  Congratulations to you all.  That brings the club membership to 115.

  • Anita Brouse, Portsmouth, KC1IPS
  • Leeds Mitchell, Bristol, WA1GJF
  • John Soetbeer, Narragansett, (Pending Exam)
  • Jim Kosinski, Portsmouth KJ6YKI

Three NCRC Members Participate in April FMT

NCRC had three folks (WA1ABI, KA1BQP and WB4SON) participating in the ARRL’s April FMT a few days ago.  The results put all three in the “Green Band” (less than 1 Hz error), and they placed 7th, 12th, and 18th out of the global contestants (John WA1ABI had the top score in RI).  Their results had errors of around 12 parts per billion.  These days the limiting factor is one’s ability (through luck and skill) to divine the influence of Doppler, caused by changes in the ionosphere, which shifts the apparent frequency by 200 parts per billion or more.