E6GG DXpedition to Niue Going ON NOW

Niue is a small island northeast of New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean.

A group of seven hams from the UK are operating there as E6GG thru September 29th. While not the rarest of DX, it is #97 on the Club Log most wanted list.

Give them a try around local sunrise their time, between the hours of 1700-1900 UTC on 15 meters.  They have been hanging out around 21.003 and listening up about 1. Other bands like 20, 17 and 12 have been fruitful in the RI area.  Expect signals to be S1 to S3.

These guys are GREAT operators, really digging out weak signals, and doing their best to upload logs to Club Log and LotW frequently.

Posted in DX

Turnip Island is OFFICIAL – now CT036R

Congratulations to the Turnip IOTA Crew (Rich, KC1ARO and Paul, N1PSX) for officially activating Turnip Island.  The following is from Paul, N1PSX:

CT036R is official… 30 contacts yesterday including Aruba and Canada, mostly on 20m some on 40m… States ranging from California, South Dakota and Oklahoma to Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia, the Carolinas, and many others… River water was very low, complicating transport with rocky interjections, but we got out there with two radios, two antennas and lunch… The island was official by noonish

NCRC Spreads Education Outreach to West Bay

NCRC is teaching a class in Foster RI, on the “other” side of the bay, as part of our education outreach program.  The class has 25 students, a mix of regional Fire Chiefs, CERT Team members, and lay people from the NW part of the state and into nearby CT.

This is the largest class ever taught by NCRC, and it proves that there is demand for Amateur Radio Education throughout the state.

NCRC Crew Activating Turnip Island, CT

The Newport County Radio Club will be qualifying a NEW Island On The Air (IOTA), Turnip Island, Housatonic River, Connecticut under the US Islands Award Program on Saturday 19 September, 2015 from 1200-2000 UTC using the call sign W1SYE. Operating frequency will be 14.250-14.259 MHz or 7.250 MHz, depending on band conditions.

Please try to work this never before activated island and help the crew get official recognition.