NCRC Hosts JOTA at Glen Park

For the third year in a row, NCRC is hosting Jamboree on the Air at Glen Park (same place that we do field day).  Two troops (Portsmouth and Wakefield) will be joining us between 5 PM Friday and 11 AM Sunday.

If you would like to give W1SYE a shout, try the following HF frequencies (probably 20-meters during the day)

HF SSB Voice

Band WOSM Calling Frequencies Suggested Band Segment for US Stations Notes
80 m 3.940 & 3.690(1) 3.920 – 3.940
3.670 – 3.690 (1)
(1) Extra segment
40 m 7.190 & 7.090 (2) 7.180 – 7.200
7.270 – 7.290
(2) 7.090 not available in Region 2
20 m 14.290 14.270 – 14.290
14.320 – 14.340
17 m 18.140 18.140 – 18.150
15 m 21.360 21.360 – 21.400
12 m 24.960 24.960 – 24.980
10 m 28.390 (3) 28.350 – 28.400 (3) (3) Includes Novices & Techs


W1SYE will also be on 2-meters

Here is the plan for the weekend:


3:00pm – Rob, Bob and Willy HF station set up

Bob – antenna, paracord, balun, chairs(2), table

Willy – antenna launcher, club radio & power supply, table (for VHF station)

5:00pm – Rob, Matt KB1FUP station setup

6:30pm – Scouts arrive


8:00am – 8:30am arrive/setup

VHF station setup: Rich (station, chairs), Paul S, Chuck

8:30am – pre-meeting at Pavilion for control operators (Jim with Bob, Willy, Rich, Rob, Matt)

9:00am – welcome Scouts at Pavilion and GO!

5:00pm to 6:00pm – wrap-up and Sunday plan


8:00 AM – TBD

11:00am -Tear Down



Monsignor Clarke School Ready for School Club Roundup

John Z, N1JPZ, his son Rick, and Bob, WB4SON, put up a temporary 30 foot mast and raised the 20-meter dipole up in the air at Monsignor Clarke School today.  (Actually John and Rick did most of the work, WB4SON just stood around looking useless and taking photos).

We have applied for a club call sign of K1MCS, and it looks like it will be issued on October 20th.  Our first day of contest operation will be on October 21st.  Twenty one students will be participating on the air.  Our plan is to rotate them on the air in groups of four every 45 minutes on Wed/Thu/Fri.

Hopefully after this introduction to Amateur Radio, the same kids will agree to do it again in February, after which we will start having 90 minutes of instruction each week until June — with a goal of getting them all licensed.

This is the fourth school that NCRC has worked with for educational outreach.

20-Meter Dipole installed at Monsignor Clarke School in Wakefield RI.  Look for them on-air Oct 21-23 from about 9:45 AM until 2:30 PM

20-Meter Dipole installed at Monsignor Clarke School in Wakefield RI. Look for them on-air Oct 21-23 from about 9:45 AM until 2:30 PM

Fox-1A (AO-85) Launch Successful


AMSAT launched their first CubeSat, Fox-1A, Amateur Oscar 85 (AO-85) on October 8th.  Telemetry has already been received, and the satellite is currently in the commissioning stage which may take a few days or a couple of weeks, prior to being turned over to full-time amateur use.


This is a mode U/V FM satellite, that should be reachable using a dual-band HT with a hand-held crossed beam like an Arrow 146/437-10BP:


Here is a copy of the Fox1A Operating Guide:


Here is a copy of the latest AMSAT Journal:


Here is a link to the telemetry decoding software: