Meeting: Monday Feb 8, 7 PM KVH

We will be having our regular NCRC meeting at KVH this coming Monday at 7 PM.

In addition to our usual business items, the will be a discussion on the very successful Winter Field Day activation at the end of January, as well as voting on a new member applicant (Alan, KB1DJ). After the regular meeting an excellent video on the K1N Navassa Island DXpedition will be shown.

Please don’t forget that dues are due. At this point 51 of 84 members have paid. You can check the member roster to see if you have paid — look on the 2016 column on the right — if you see “2016” by your name, then you’ve paid your dues, otherwise we don’t have a record that you’ve paid. Please contact Ted, W1GRI, if you have any dues questions. And you can pay online by clicking on the “Pay Dues or Donate” tab.

Hope to see you Monday night!

W1SYE WAS and DXCC Standings

Past paper logs from various summer activations were entered into a ACL Database by Jim, KA1ZOU, and entered by our QSL Manager, Chuck, N1CKT into Logbook of the World (LotW).  At this moment in time, W1SYE has 46 confirmed states, and 25 confirmed countries in LotW.  2,934 contact have been entered so far, resulting in 840 confirmed contacts.

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What states are we missing?  Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and Montana.

What countries do we already have confirmed?  A smattering from the Caribbean and Europe, and the official list can be found by clicking: W1SYE LOTW DXCC 25 Confirmed

A nice goal for the summer would be to obtain Worked All States (WAS) andd DX Century Club (DXCC) status for the club.

Thanks to all the hard working activators too!

Don’t Forget – You Can Work DXCC for W1SYE

If you ask John, K1JSM, for permission to be sure things are coordinated, you can operate as W1SYE from your home station and wrack up DXCC or WAS points for the club.

For example, a club member using the W1SYE call made contact with VP8SGI, South Georgia Island (AN-007), off the coast of Antarctica today (14.023.216/14.024.300 CW @ 20:37:34 UTC 2016/2/1).  Another was made the following day on 17 meters.

Remember to stay within your own operating privileges — in the example above the contact was in the Extra CW segment.

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VP8SGI from South Georgia Island – Photo Credit: VP8SGI website