NCRC Completes WAS

We are proud to announce that W1SYE has officially completed Worked All States (WAS) and the fancy certificate from the ARRL is headed our way.  Hats off to all the activators who have gotten W1SYE onto the air the past couple of years.  You’ve all had a part in this effort!

A special thanks goes out to Willy, W1LY, who has the honor of completing a CW contact with the last station to confirm via LotW: Doug, W7KF, in Montana.


DXCC Credit for SGI & Navassa Islands Arrives

A few weeks back, W1SYE worked VP8SGI, located on South Georgia Island.  The confirmation for those contacts just arrived in Logbook of the World (LotW).  South Georgia Island is ranked #8 (out of  340) on the most wanted DX list.


About a year ago, W1LY completed contacts on behalf of the club with K1N, Navassa Island.  That island, off limits to humans, was ranked as #2 on the most wanted DX list.


Speaking of DX, the DXCC confirmation count for W1SYE continues to rise, following activity during the CW DX Contest.  It currently stands at 88.  You too can help W1SYE get our DXCC Certificate by working DX stations using the W1SYE callsign.


After receiving confirmations from Hawaii and Alaska, W1SYE has 49 confirmed states, and only requires a confirmation from Montana to complete WAS

W1SYE in ARRL CW DX Contest

Hoping to complete DXCC on behalf of the club, Bob, WB4SON, participated as W1SYE during this past weekend’ ARRL CW DX Contest.  As weekends are busy for everybody, limited time was available, perhaps a total of 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday (out of the full 48 hour period).

W1SYE worked a total of 75 countries, selecting those that are active in LotW to increase the odds of obtaining confirmations that way.  The contest log was uploaded to LotW this morning, and W1SYE’s confirmed DXCC count is now up to 40 countries!

In the DX world, Hawaii and Alaska count as separate countries.  Both were worked during this contest, so if confirmations arrive we will increase our WAS standings — Currently we need confirmation for working Alaska, Hawaii, and Montana to complete WAS.


Since the log was uploaded about 12 hours after the end of the contest, and logs aren’t due until March 22nd, getting 14 confirmations right off the bat was pretty amazing.  More are sure to come in the weeks and months ahead.

The ARRL Phone DX Contest is coming in two weeks, March 5-6.  Perhaps a club member might like to operate as W1SYE during that contest to bring us closer to obtaining DXCC?

WFD Log Added to LotW

The 789 contacts from the Winter Field Day event have been uploaded to the W1SYE Logbook of the World (LotW) database.

With that update, we now have 47 confirmed states (still need Alaska, Hawaii and Montana), and 26 confirmed countries.