NCRC-ARISS Crew Captures ISS SSTV Image

The NCRC ARISS Team continues to refine their skills. During a fairly low pass this afternoon, they captured a Slow Scan TV (SSTV) image sent from the International Space Station (ISS) to commemorate the first ARISS contact made many years ago (over 1,000 contacts have been made to date).

The pass was a low altitude one, only rising 24 degrees above the horizon. The image began about 3 minutes after ISS rose above the horizon and completed about 3 minutes before the ISS would set. The SSTV images are being sent using the standard VHF FM Voice gear, and signal levels were quite strong, with S-5 or above levels using a Egg-Beater antenna.  The horizontal noise streaks occur during deep fades of the signal.

Image Captured Live April 13, 2016 from 2046 to 2050 UTC

Image Captured Live April 13, 2016 from 2046 to 2050 UTC

A good discussion of what is required to pickup and decode the SSTV signals can be found here:

Members meet RUKU

Paul, K1YBE, gave a presentation at last night’s meeting on a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program he developed in conjunction with UMass Dartmouth, to encourage young women to consider engineering degrees.

The ultimate goal is to capture the imagination of young people and encourage their future education choices, while illustrating some basic principals like teamwork, design trade offs, and continuous improvement.  All those “boring” things were wrapped up in a project that was interesting and challenging — building a robot that can solve a Rubik’s Cube puzzle.

Paul’s slideshow can be found by clicking here.

NCRC Meeting Mon Apr 11 @ 7PM

We will have a regular meeting of NCRC on Monday, April 11th,  7 PM, at KVH Manufacturing.  During our regular business meeting we will cover the Executive Committee’s anticipated budget for 2016, and several new procedures related to expenditures.  After the meeting, a presentation will be made by Paul, K1YBE, on the use of a Raspberry Pi in robotics.

N1ASA – All Saints Academy 1st ISS Contact!

At 21:16:47 UTC (5:17 PM) today, N1ASA from All Saints Academy (ASA) was copied by several hams making a round trip Packet contact with the Packet Robot, RS0ISS, aboard the International Space Station (ISS).  The following packet was logged by a Canadian ham:

20160407211647 : N1ASA]APRSAT,RS0ISS*,qAR,VE2GQF-2::EMAIL Note thru ISS

Since ASA was sending position data as well, their packets were were forwarded via outer space to the APRS system which allowed them to be recorded on the following map:

N1ASA on Map

Congratulations to All Saints Academy for their first contact with the ISS (and proof that their gear is working fine for upcoming ARISS contact in early May).

W1SYE Activates a New Island – Cranberry

The intrepid NCRC crew activated another island, Cranberry, in the Providence River at 11 AM today. The irony that it was colder today than during Winter Field Day didn’t escape anyone.  Rich, KA1ARO, Paul, N1PSX, and member hopeful Mike, KA1IOO decided that snow/ice and cold weather wouldn’t keep them away.

Paul (left) and Rich (right) activate Cranberry Island, RI022

Paul N1PSX (left) and Rich KC1ARO (right) activate Cranberry Island, RI022R

The first contact was made at 15:00 UTC on 14.252 MHz and the pileup continued for a few hours.  Within less than 30 minutes they had contacted 25 stations and 2 DX stations, making the activation of US Islands RI022R official.