Congratulations to new club members

The following new members were accepted into membership during last nights meeting and received a BaoFeng UV-5R HT from the club in honor of their hard work during the Technician class and for passing their exam:

KC1AQM, John Reynolds
KC1AQN, Alexander Hall
KC1AQO, Paul Duclos
KC1AQP, Paul Mankofsky
KC1AQQ, Stephen Meade
KC1ARO, Richard Russell

Congratulations to all of them.  The raffle was won by John – KC1AQM , and since he had just received a BaoFeng UV-5R for getting his license, he passed on the radio and took half the raffle proceeds instead.

Meeting at VFW, November 11, 7 PM ***Dual-Band HT Raffle***

The next NCRC meeting will be at the Middletown VFW, 52 Underwood LN, at 7:00 PM on November 11.

We will be having a raffle of a dual-band HT. The raffle winner will receive their choice of half of the raffle proceeds or a new BaoFeng UV-5R dual-band HT.


  • Treasure’s Report
  • Installation of new members (six graduates of our latest Technician Class)
  • Election of Officers for 2014
  • Raffle of a dual-band HT
  • Presentation on operating/setup of BaoFeng UV-5R Radios

Hope to see everyone there!

Congratulations to New Hams and Future Members

The Technician Class exam was this past Monday, and all 7 students passed with flying colors.  Five of them have applied for membership in the club.  Congratulations to the following:

Stephen Mead, KC1AQQ, Middletown
Paul Mankofsky, KC1AQP, Middletown
Paul Duclos, KC1AQO, Riverside
John Reynolds, KC1AQM, So. Dartmouth
Alex Hall, KC1AQN, Newport

In addition, two other hams took and passed their exam, Paul Williams, KC1AQR, and Jarrod Deines, KD0YAJ.  Congratulations to them as well!