Next Meeting, KVH, Monday May 12 at 7 PM

The next meeting of the Newport County Radio Club will be held at KVH Industries beginning at 7 PM on Monday, May 12th.

In addition to our usual business agenda, we expect to be discussing Field Day (only 50 days away!) and our upcoming Beavertail Lighthouse Activation.

A presentation will be given by KVH describing their product offering and facilities.

NCECT Forms With 11 Members

Newport County Radio Club, under the leadership of John King, WA1ABI, has formed a Newport County Emergency Communication Team (NCECT).  John has been holding training classes since February, and as of last night, 11 Members took and passed the final exam.  Ted Wroble, W1GRI, was elected NCECT Team Leader.  You can email Ted at NCECTL@W1SYE.ORG

You can find more information on NCECT on our website by CLICKING HERE.

NCECT also has a Twitter Account, and you can follow us on @NCECT

Congratulations to John King and the new members of the Newport County Emergency Communication Team.