Lunchtime turns Glenn Park into a Ham Paradise

The antennas have been raised, and the rigs have been tested, so NCRC is all ready for the Boy Scout Jamboree which starts Saturday morning and continues through Sunday at Noon.

Listen to W1SYE if you get a chance and help the scouts with a on-air contact.  Complete information on JotA can be found here.

If you click on this link you will see how Willy, W1LY, launched one of the lines used to support the HF antenna (a 135 foot dipole):  W1LY Launching Antenna

Help Us Help Scouts with a QSO

W1SYE will be on the air this weekend, starting at 8:30 AM Saturday morning, as the Jamboree on the Air station for the Boy Scouts.  Each scout will need to make 10 minutes worth of QSOs as part of their merit badge requirements.  We will be staffing a HF station and a VHF station, and would very much like to have club members standing by to help a scout with a QSO.

If you can help us out, please go to this link

Update on Glen Park RFI – National Grid Report


Kurt, the RFI specialist from National Grid, contacted John King yesterday with a report on the RFI remediation work performed at Glen Park.
Hardware on 7 poles was replaced. One of those poles is located at end of the line near Glen Manor House; the rest are closer to the park itself.
After the “ivy pole” was cleared and a one of its insulators was replaced, a great deal of noise was still being generated in that vicinity. The source of that noise turned out to be the loose tie wires on the southern adjacent pole (see the club web site for pictures.) This is interesting, because: A.) Both Kurt and John had scanned that pole (the loose tie wire pole) with ultrasonic arc detectors without hearing much arc noise, and B.) that is the pole that we most strongly suspected when we walked the line with AM receivers and rubber duck antennas. Jack, N1JK, visited the site a second time after our initial Saturday RFI hunt session and came away convinced that the interference was coming from either that pole or the building fed from that pole.  
Thanks to everyone who came out to help with this effort. The Glen Park site is now completely free from power line noise.