Club Meeting Mon June 9, KVH, 7:00 PM

Our regular club meeting will be held this coming Monday, June 9 beginning at 7:00 PM, at the KVH facility in Middletown (for directions see: In addition to regular business, the meeting will be devoted to Field Day planning.

In addition, members are reminded that we will be running a HF station, open to the public, at the Beavertail Lighthouse this weekend. You are all invited to pop in and get on the air or simply enjoy the beautiful location.  For details see:

Saying Goodbye to the Middletown ARC

The Red Cross has decided to move out of its Middletown facility, and hopes to eventually find a new location somewhere on the island (more space, more parking, handicapped accessible, etc.).

Willy Maclean spent a good part of today (with Henricus) removing all club equipment and uninstalling the outside antennas.  We all owe Willy a debt of gratitude for taking care of that.  Many thanks to the Red Cross for sharing their space with us for many years — we hope to continue our relationship at their new location.

Next Meeting, KVH, Monday May 12 at 7 PM

The next meeting of the Newport County Radio Club will be held at KVH Industries beginning at 7 PM on Monday, May 12th.

In addition to our usual business agenda, we expect to be discussing Field Day (only 50 days away!) and our upcoming Beavertail Lighthouse Activation.

A presentation will be given by KVH describing their product offering and facilities.