NCRC Zoom Breakfast Meeting Thu Aug 20 @ 8 AM

Many of our members have expressed their sadness that we have put aside our weekly breakfast outings to Chelsea’s.  We want to see how it might work to have one online instead.

Please join us at 8 AM on Thursday August 20th for our first NCRC ZOOM Breakfast.  Feel free to have you breakfast with us (and you don’t have to worry about bringing enough for everyone to share).  Just casual conversation like we always had at breakfast in the past.  We may change to a later time of day (lunch/brunch/elevenses,etc) to give more folks a chance to participate in the future.

And we anticipate Richard will join us live from Chelsea’s to show us what real breakfasts can be like!

Check your email for the Zoom invitation

Join NCRC discussion group

With more than 150 members and growing, Newport County Radio Club has more resources to devote to supporting our members and hams in general in our area.

To that end, has been established.

You are encouraged to add W1SYE to your groups.  This is a moderated group, so it might take a day or so for you to be approved to join.

The intent of the group is to focus on topics of interest to club members, and in particular to new members.  The one limitation we have is very limited storage space, so we will continue to use the website to host large files (like videos, photos, presentations).

Contribution of Radio Equipment from Werner Schmidt

A significant contribution of equipment and parts from Werner Schmidt’s estate was donated to NCRC for distribution to support radio activities.
Pictures and descriptions are at:

Interested in anything you see? Just email

Thanks to Dave Fredette (KC1EBB) for the pickup vehicle and cataloging. Please help relieve him of storing it. Dave Emond (KC1IPA) and I picked it up (literally) and moved it to KC1EBB’s QTH.
73, K1YBE

NCRC Meeting: Monday ONLINE August 10 at 7 PM

Hello everyone – this summer is speeding by despite being stuck mostly at home and getting wacked by a tropical storm.  Hopefully everyone has power back and things cleaned up.

It is time for our NCRC meeting, which will be held via ZOOM.  After a short business meeting and induction of new members, Mike James AC1GM, will be giving a presentation on “Field Day in the Boondocks”

Invitations will be mailed to members shortly.  See everyone at 7 PM on Monday!