JOTA 2020 – Helpers Needed

NCRC and Narragansett Council have teamed to provide an experience to Scouts in our area.  

Help is needed for Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) on Saturday October 17 at Camp Yawgoog.

JOTA is the largest Scouting event in the world. Held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in the local community.

Given the COVID situation, a one-day event is planned on Saturday, Oct 17 to allow Scouts to experience radio operations as an element of the Radio Merit Badge. In the past, this is activity was at the Glen but this year it will be at Camp Yawgoog. Pico balloon with APRS, HF/VHF/FT-8 stations, and Fox Hunting are committed. Can you provide an educational booth or HAM station that would excite scouts about being HAM! Join our TEAM!

NCRC members are needed to supply equipment and mentoring as Scouts attempt contacts with the worldwide community. Local VHF operation and satellite contacts are contemplated. Please contact John Vecoli at with your availability and equipment ideas.

NCRC Meeting Reminder: Monday Sept 14 at 7 PM

Our monthly meeting will be held via ZOOM at 7 PM on Monday September 14th.  Invitations to the meeting will be mailed out to members this weekend.

We will have a short business meeting, including the first reading of bylaws modifications.  After the meeting Wayne Hansen KC1MCW , with some assistance from Mark Rudd KC1LOM will give a presentation on “Flying the beam”, on navigation gear used by aircraft pilots.

Thermal Issues with W1SYE Repeater

Some of you may have had difficulty using the W1SYE (145.450) repeater recently.  The hardware appears to have developed some thermal issues.  The symptom is you can kerchunk the repeater and it will beep back at you, but it does not pass audio.

However, if you are persistent, hold your PTT and talk for about a minute, then the repeater warms up enough that it starts passing audio (distorted at first, then perfectly fine).  After that, the repeater will work fine until things cool back down.

The repeater committee is aware of the issue, will try to see if it can be fixed, or improved, but has been working on a longer range fix to replace the repeater hardware.