Congratulations to new hams & upgrades

NCRC held a drive-in VE session on Saturday March 13th.  Seven students took exams and all passed with flying colors.  Congratulations to the following:

  • Ed Turner – New Technician
  • Denis Hobert – New Technician
  • Gil Woodside – New Technician
  • Mike Dicicco – New Technician
  • Steven Carr – KC1OIK Upgraded to General
  • Corry Thibault – KE1AK Upgraded to Extra
  • Sal Caiozzo – KC1OSB Upgraded to Extra

And thanks to the VEs who helped!

NCRC Meeting Monday Mar 8 at 7 PM

Hi everyone — we will be having our monthly meeting on Monday March 8th at 7 PM.  Zoom invitations will be emailed to all members by this weekend.

In addition to our regular short business meeting, Bruce Blain, K1BG, a member of CWOps, will be giving a presentation on CW Academy, a Morse Code training program that runs for 8 weeks.  The classes are split by experience group (beginners, basic, intermediate (10 WPM+), advanced (15 WPM+)).  Classes are WILDLY popular and free.

NCRC Meeting 6:45 PM (early) Monday Feb 8

NCRC will be having its regular club meeting on Monday February 8th.  However the start time will be 15 minute earlier at 6:45 PM.  This is to allow time for the SKYWARN Class that will begin at 7:30 PM.

In addition to our usual business meeting beginning at 6:45, we are pleased to offer a full SKYWARN Certification class, offered by Rob Macedo (KD1CY) who is the ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Boston/Norton Massachusetts.  This class will take 2 hours to complete.  Please note, even if you have been certified in the past, it is recommended that your repeat the class every 2-3 years.

Club Members will receive a Zoom Invitation for the meeting.  Should you also be interested in the SKYWARN Class, you must register for the class no later than Saturday Feb 6.  Your registration information will be given to Rob so he can complete your certification.