Emergency Fun had on July 29 and Aug 4

Several of us met at Common Fence Point for a ranging experiment with FRS and 2m radios in support of an August Emergency Management Exercise in Portsmouth.
Using the Common Fence Point Community Hall, 933 Anthony Road, Portsmouth RI we tested FRS radios at .5 and 2 watts.  Thanks to all that participated. A report of the result is being prepared.

NCRC Meeting Mon July 12 at 7 PM

NCRC will be having our regular monthly meeting via ZOOM on Monday July 12 starting at 7 PM.  Members will be receiving an invitation via email.  If you would like to attend as a guest, please contact WB4SON at gmail.com

In addition to the regular business items, we will have some preliminary results for Field Day. Our guest speaker will be Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, who will give a presentation entitled “Programs Helping Hams and Young People to Develop New Skills and Get on The Air”.  Fred is the current president of the Nashua Area Radio Society (voted best club in America for 2019).  He is also a technical mentor for ARISS, and a strong believer in education.  Fred is running for the ARRL New England Director position this fall.

More new hams and upgrades

Thanks to Mike AA1XQ who led today’s VE session, and all the many VE volunteers for a successful VE exam session.  Three new Technician and five General upgrades were issued.  Congratulations to the following:

  • Frank Bianco KC1PLI Technician
  • Daniel Marasco KC1PLJ Technician
  • Anthony Torti KC1PLH Technician
  • Brian Cottle N1TBT General
  • Michal Ford KC1MJP General
  • Kevin Gilbody KG1HAM General
  • Stephen Kane KB1PPJ General
  • Robert Morris W2RBM General

Congratulations to new hams and upgrades!

On Friday (June 4), NCRC held a VE Session as the culmination of online classes.  The club extends congratulations to the following:

  • Steven LaCroix, KC1EAR, upgrade to General
  • Crystal Thibault, KC1CAT, upgrade to General
  • Michael Rousseau, KC1NEJ, upgrade to General
  • Jared Morris, KB1JRM, upgrade to General
  • Thomas Hall, KW1TOM, upgrade to General
  • Mitchel Kloewer, KC1PKG, new Technician
  • Samuel Slezak, KC1PKH, new Technician
  • Lauren Perlmutter, KC1PKI, new Technician