FMT April 12

It’s spring, so it must be time for another Frequency Measuring Test (FMT).  Here’s the ARRL Announcement from the April 2019 QST (Note: This is actually 10 PM EDT on THURSDAY):

A few NCRC members have been known to participate in the FMT in the past.

Meeting Reminder: Monday April 8, 7PM KVH

The second Monday of the month is just a few days away and that means it’s time for a NCRC meeting:  Monday April 8, 7:00 PM at KVH Manufacturing (75 Enterprise Drive, Middletown).

Following a short business meeting, we will be having a presentation on the Titanic Radios given by Mark Rudd, as well as an introduction to the upcoming Hands On Radio event in May on Software Defined Radios (SDR) by Paul K1YBE.

See everyone Monday!

Congratulations to NCRC for OUTSTANDING WFD Results!

Congratulations to Willy W1LY and the entire Winter Field Day crew for an OUTSTANDING performance in the 2019 Winter Field Day.  W1SYE came in 4th place nationally among all Outdoor stations.  We should point out that places 1/2/3 were for 6/4/4 transmitters — so two to three times the number of stations as our “2O” entry, which makes the performance even more exceptional.

In just the 2O category, as mentioned above, we were #1 nationally.  Only one other station in New England came in the top 10.

Sadly there was no other entry posted for RI, nor was there an entry from MA or VT.  There were two entries in Maine, one entry in Connecticut, two in New Hampshire.

Great job to all that participated!

Stem4Girls at Umass Dartmouth was awesome!

The Newport County Radio club really stepped up big time.  Mike Cullen  supplied an FT-8 radio workshop that worked to several countries,  Our VP, Jim Sammons, filled in on a catapult workshop for a sick person and I had 2 folks from the club (Mary Nebilo and Dick Bianco) helping in the TinkerCAD/circuits Engineering workshop along with two EE graduate student ladies. Both Melissa and Onelis are in my Antenna Theory class so I have them to ask about homework and maybe a club question.  The Wrobles and Beth Cullen worked as chaperones.   Wonderful weather too.  Around 250 girls from grades 3 to 8 attended.

What an inspiration to the girls!

More details will be published here: STEM4Girls – The Kaput Center

73, Paul, K1YBE

Mike K1NPT Speaking to the Stem4Girls audience

Participants erecting antenna used for HF FT-8