SouthCoast Mini Maker Faire. Details and CQ for assistance

NCRC has a booth at the Southcoast MiniMakerFaire at the Fall River YMCA on Sunday October 1.

And our both description at:

We need some help setting up on Sunday morning before 10 am and help running the station in a GOTA mode similar to Field Day from 10 am to 4 pm.  Some of us are going to help on soldering at another booth but will have a 40/20m station and show Pixies operating CW. Bring your Pixie if you want.

We also plan to erect a 40m dipole on Thursday afternoon to simplify setup on Sunday.  Help may be needed for this.

Please contact Paul Fredette, or 401 339 3024 if you can help and of course all are welcome to come and enjoy the event.

Maker Faire Fall River October 1st

NCRC will be participating in a Maker Faire at the YMCA in Fall River on Sunday October 1st from 10 AM to 4 PM.  Our booth is entitled “Making Amateur Radio Real” and will include a Pixie to Pixie wireless demo as well as a full HF station.  In addition, it is anticipated that we will be helping with soldering demos at other locations.

While the literature might say “mini” these events are HUGE.  The last one drew about 4000 people and there is great interest in Amateur Radio as it speaks to many “Maker” themes (electronics, home brew, wireless, etc.).

If you can help, please contact Paul K1YBE who is organizing the event

More details can be found here:

Little Gould Island Activation Saturday ~11:15 AM

*** UPDATE 1:15 PM *** The activation has completed and they are now QRT.  Not a lot of activity on 40-meters, but 20 was a great success.  Thanks to all that helped to activate the island.

*** UPDATE 12:45 PM *** The activation was made official on 20-meters, so it is now RI-031S.  The crew has moved to 40-meters on 7.270 MHz.

*** UPDATE 11:25 AM *** The crew is on the air now (RF issue resolved) they are making contacts.  They are on 14.270 at the moment to avoid the hurricane net.

The W1SYE Island Activation Team will be activating a new island on the air, Little Gould Island, which is located in the Sakonnet River near Tiverton RI.  The island designation is RI031, with the letter “S” added once the activation is official.

This is a rare treat as the island is not open to the public (it’s a bird nesting sanctuary), but a member of the crew is a trained biologist and therefore we have permission to land.

The gang should be on the air around 11:15 AM beginning with 20 meters near 14.260 +/- QRM.  After lunch, if possible, there may be a shift to 40 meters around 7.230 MHz.

Beavertail Lighthouse Activation

Five NCRC members, Paul N1PSX, Steve KC1AQQ, Scott WX1X, Mike AA1XQ, and Dave KC1GPA, activated Beavertail Lighthouse yesterday during the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.  Operating as W1SYE, they made approximately 80 contacts on 20 meters from about noon until 3 PM.  Band conditions were beyond horrible yesterday, with long duration deep fades.

Station setup in tent just in back of the lighthouse. Paul N1PSX just visible on left

Rather than use the 63 foot base loaded vertical, the team erected a dipole using greenstick, a better choice for 20 meters

Thanks to Scott WX1X for the photos.