Meeting Monday Jan 8 at 7 PM

Happy New Year!

Our first meeting of 2018 will be this coming Monday at KVH (75 Enterprise DR, Middletown RI) at 7 PM

We have 19 new member applicants and upcoming Winter Field Day to discuss, in addition to regular business items. Our program after the meeting will be a showing of the NOVA film “Secrets of the Sun” (about 50 minutes long).

Hope to see everyone there.

Join the Chase: 2018 International Grid Chase

Don’t forget that for all of 2018, the ARRL is sponsoring an International Grid Chase.  Hams all over the globe will be looking to work as many different grid squares as possible.  Here in RI, our grid square is FN41.  From an ARRL Post:

“The objective of the ARRL International Grid Chase is simple: Work stations in as many grid squares as possible and upload your log data to ARRL’s Logbook of The World. If you are not currently registered with Logbook of The World, this is a good reason to get started. Go to Registration and uploading are free.

Every new grid square contact confirmed through Logbook of The World counts toward your monthly total, so you have an incentive to start the chase as soon as you ring in the New Year.”

If you have a LotW account you can check your score here (while updated several times a day it is not real-time)

Hams in RI Reminded – no Handheld Devices While Driving Starting June 1

Beginning June 1, 2018, drivers in Rhode Island are forbidden to use ANY handheld device while driving.  This currently includes handheld radios and even microphones typically used by RI hams.  It is a $100 fine for violating this new law, although first time offenders who can prove they have ordered a hands-free device after their offense but prior to paying the fine, may have the fine suspended.

Many states exempt the use of hand-held microphones by hams, but this exemption did not make it into the RI law.


New Member Applicants

Please keep your ears open as we have 19 new hams that have filled in applications for membership.  They all have UV5R HTs, have been trained on operating procedures, and many have been heard on W1SYE.  After joining the club, our membership will stand at 110.

Steve N3VHI
Matthew KC1IPD
Heather N1NJK
Denise K1WIN
Allan KC1IPK
Ashley KC1ITC
Hayden KC1IPM
George KC1IPN
Steve KC1IPO
Robert KC1IPQ
Charlie KC1IPR

Winter Field Day

Winter Field Day is right around the corner!

Last year NCRC placed 1st in the country and would like to do it again.  Please reach out to Paul N1PSX, if you would like to participate in this exciting winter event.

Winter Field Day is on January 27/28 2018 and is similar to summer field day.