REMINDER: Monday 3/11 NCRC Meeting @ 7 PM

Just a reminder that our next NCRC meeting will be 7:00 PM Monday March 11 at KVH Manufacturing (75 Enterprise DR, Middletown RI).  It will be a busy meeting as lots of fun things are going on.

Ray Perry KC1IPC, Director of the Portsmouth EMA will be speaking to us about his EMA program.  Dave W2DAN will be describing the VOIP “Ham Shack Hotline” system he has been working on.  Willy W1LY will give us a summary of the Island Activators very successful activation of a dozen islands near Fort Pierce Florida.  And Ted W1GRI will be describing his upcoming Emergency Communication hands-on radio event at ASA on March 21st.

Hope to see everyone there Monday.

W1SYE Islands on the Air from Florida!

**** UPDATE  Mar 2 18:25 UTC ****

The activators are QRT for good on this Florida trip.  Long trip back to the home port and lots of cleaning to do.  They will be packing up tomorrow, so this was the final island.

The team was fast and agile, successfully activating a total of 12 never on the air before islands in the Indian River near Fort Pierce.  (So fast that the author failed to contact them on a few of the activations as he was too busy documenting them having fun).  The list of islands activated (most recent on the top):

  • FL552R (Spoil Island SL2)
  • FL554R (Spoil Island SL4)
  • FL566R (Spoil Island SL14B)
  • FL553R (Spoil Island SL3)
  • FL555R (Spoil Island SL5)
  • FL556R (Spoil Island SL6)
  • FL542R (Spoil Island SL7)
  • FL557R (Spoil Island SL8)
  • FL564R (Spoil Island SL14)
  • FL569R (Spoil Island SL17)
  • FL570R (Spoil Island 13W)
  • FL549R (Coon Island)

Excellent job and congrats to Pete W1LAB, Willy W1LY, and John K1JSM plus the rest of the crew!

Sun sets Saturday on the Florida activations

Team dinner a few days ago: (at table left, John K1JSM, and Pete’s friend Steve). Standing from left: Marshall, Linda, Willy, Pete, and Bonnie

Black lab Becky on “Becky’s Barge” pontoon boat



**** UPDATE  Mar 2 18:25 UTC ****

Change of plan — they are on SL2 (FL552).  On the air now on 7.261  I understand this is the final activation for today.  Still more to come tomorrow.

A curious onlooker about to be intercepted by Becky the guard dog

Imagine Willy W1LY at the mic!




**** UPDATE  Mar 2 17:45 UTC ****

Becky and the rest of the Island Activators were successful with the SL554R activation, and are now moving toward Spoil Island SL1 (FL548).  This is the Northern-most of the Spoil Island chain.  Expect them back around 7.260 around 18:45 UTC.  Keep an eye out on the spotting network in case they QSY.



**** UPDATE  Mar 2 17:15 UTC ****

The crew is on the air on 7.260.  Much less QRM but a bit tougher propagation.  They are on Spoil Island S4 (FL554).  Also known as Bird Island.  Island is quite long and thin with a bit of a bulge right where they landed.

Pete W1LAB walking his black lab Becky, on the beach of Spoil Island SL4 (Bird Island)



**** UPDATE  Mar 2 15:50 UTC ****

The gang has QRT from SL14B and are underway, likely to SL4 (FL554)

Becky on lookout for Spoil Island SL4



**** UPDATE  Mar 2 15:50 UTC ****

The crew is on Spoil Island SL14B (FL566).  Busy band with ARRL SSB DX Contest going on.  They are on 14.270 MHz . Expect SL4, SL1, and maybe SL2 to follow later in the day.

On the air from Spoil Island 14B FL566



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 19:00 UTC ****

The boys are done for today, having activated four islands successfully.  Congrats!

More islands tomorrow.



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 18:15 UTC ****

Actually on 40 meters — hearing nobody on 20.  Try 7.260 MHz  and they are on Spoil SL3 FL553

The sun giveth and the sun taketh away

All setup on Spoil SL3



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 17:45 UTC ****

Spoil SL5 now officially FL555R.  They decided to do another island today, their 4th for the day, so they are headed to Spoil SL4 (FL554) and will be on the air by 18:00 – 18:15 UTC.



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 17:25 UTC ****

John, Willy & Pete are on a new never before activated island Spoil SL5 FL555.  14.258 MHz.  Good signals again!  Good DX to Panama, Spain, Canada, UK, etc.

Willy W1LY takes a nap after getting to SL5 FL555. John K1JSM logging and on the air.

John K1JSM on the air at Spoil SL5 (FL555)

Willy’s nap was a success! He’s taking down the gear so they can move to SL4



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 16:55 UTC ****

The prior activation was successful (hugely so), so it is officially FL556R.

They are having lunch and heading to SL5, FL555, and should be on the air very shortly — maybe by 17:30 – 18:00.



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 16:30 UTC ****

They are on Spoil Island SL6 FL556 and on the air, 14.258  Signals are MUCH improved from earlier this morning.

On Spoil Island SL6, soon to be FL556R



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 16:00 UTC ****

The activation of Spoil Island SL7 was a success, so now officially FL542R.

They are moving on to Spoil Island SL6 (FL556) a bit to the north and should be on the air by 16:30 UTC. QRM is fierce, please be sure to check from 14.250 to 14.270 or the spotting networks.



**** UPDATE  Mar 1 15:20 UTC ****

Da Boys are now ON THE AIR Spoil SL7, US Islands Award Program FL542.  14.258 MHz.

It’s a hard life activating islands in Florida during the winter!

View from RI – temp in the 20s and that white stuff is snow, not sand. Activation crew will return to a foot of new snow and temps in the teens.

John K1JSM at Toshiba logging laptop, Willy W1LY on the IC-706. A ClearSpeech speaker, MFJ tuner, and 30 AH LiFePO4 battery completes the setup

Pontoon boat on shore with antenna plunked into the sand.

Rare sighting of Pete W1LAB on the air!  Usually Pete is dealing with the boat and taking photos



**** UPDATE  Feb 28 19:10 UTC ****

The crew has packed up and are heading back home after successfully activating three islands today (Spoil Island SL17, SL14 and SL8).  Many thanks to all that found them on 20 meters.  The band was not very cooperative today.  They will be back on the air tomorrow for more first time activations!  Watch this page and the spotting networks for details.



**** UPDATE  Feb 28 18:00 UTC ****

The crew is ON THE AIR from Spoil Island SL8, which is FL557  14.258.0

John K1JSM on the air from Spoil Island SL8 (FL557) – antenna ashore

Some crew members seeking shade (hot for a Yankee)



**** UPDATE  Feb 28 17:15 UTC ****

Both SL14 and SL17 (earlier) were successfully activated.  The crew has gone QRT and will be moving to a new island (likely SL6, SL7, or SL8), but final determination will be made by the sea conditions.  They should be on the air by 18:00 to 18:30 UTC



**** UPDATE  Feb 28 16:30 UTC ****

The crew has finished SL17 and has moved to Spoil Island SL14.  They will be on the air in a few minutes.  SL14 is FL564

Willy at the mic, and John logging



**** UPDATE  Feb 28 16:00 UTC ****

The gang has been on the air at Spoil Island SL17 Look for them on 14.258 +/- QRM.  SL17 is FL569.

Willy W1LY and John K1JSM at Spoil SL17

Not a bad view from Spoil SL17

Antenna ashore (and pontoon boat aground) on Spoil Island SL17

The radio noise attracted some mermaids

Spoil Island SL17 view from above



**** UPDATE  Feb 27 19:15 UTC ****

The crew is going QRT for today.  Anticipate they will be on the air again tomorrow between 15:00 UTC and 15:30 UTC from a few more new, never before, activated islands.  Thanks for everyone who participated today in two new activations.



**** UPDATE  Feb 27 18:30 UTC ****

The crew is on Spoil Island 13W as described below. Is listed as FL570 on US Islands website.  14.260.0  Good signal into RI.  We are unsure if these islands will be listed as “R” for river or “S” for shore.  The Indian River is salt water, but it is between Florida and a barrier island.  Probably R, but we will discuss this with the US Islands folks. (EDIT: All these islands will be “R” according to US Islands Award Program)

Also IOTA NA-141 ” Florida State South East (Dade to Indian River County) group”

John K1JSM on boat run ashore on Spoil SL13W. Note antenna is on the island

Willy W1LY on the air on Spoil Island SL13W



**** UPDATE  Feb 27 17:20 UTC ****

The activation of Coon Island FL549R was a success.  Thanks to everyone who gave them a call.  They are shutting down on Coon and moving north to Spoil Island SL 13W.  Anticipate them back on the air, on 20 meters, 14.260 +/- at about 18:30 UTC.  If they do land on that island it will be FL570.  SL13W is the small island to the southwest of the one marked on the map below (SL 13B is immediately to the west).



**** UPDATE  Feb 27 16:33 UTC ****

They are ON THE AIR from Coon Island FL549.  14.259.5 (to avoid some QRM).

John K1JSM on air from Coon Island FL549S

Willy W1LY on the mic, and John K1JSM logging (bright FL sun requires laptop in box). Note antenna on Coon Island.



**** UPDATE  Feb 27 15:40 UTC ****

The crew is on their way to Coon Island and will arrive about 16:00 UTC.  This being their first activation on a new vessel, we can expect them on the air between 16:30 and 17:00 UTC (11:30 AM to Noon EST).

Coon Island has never been activated and is listed as FL549 on the US Islands on the Air website.  They will start on 20 meters, near 14.260 MHz and shift to 40 meters later in the day.



Several of the usual suspects (Pete W1LAB, John K1JSM and Willy W1LY) have met up in Florida today and will be activating a bunch of never before heard islands over the next five days.

On Air activity begins Wed Feb 27 and ends Sunday Mar 3, anticipating operations will begin in the 10 AM to 11 AM range (they depart the dock at 09:00 daily), and they will be back at the dock by 5 PM daily).  Perhaps a total of ten islands over the period. Being their first day on the air, and the long travel day on Tuesday, I expect Wednesday’s activity will begin closer to noon.  The usual operating procedure is to start near 14.260 then switch to 7.260.  Callsign will be W1SYE.

They are starting from Fort Pierce each day, which is in St. Lucie County.  Fort Pierce is on the Indian River, and is about half-way between Daytona to the north and Miami to the south.  I believe they will stay within St. Lucie County, probably activating a group of islands called “Spoil SL 1” to “Spoil SL 17”  As the map below indicates, SL 17 is closest to their home port and southern-most.  All the other islands are North of there.  Many of them have multiple names like Spoil SL 14A, 14B, 14C.


Forrest Golden, W1ZAR, Silent Key

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Forrest Golden, W1ZAR

Forrest has been a fixture at Summer Field Day for many years, showing up to do the setup and takedown work, and of course was usually at our club meetings.  In addition to his amateur radio interests, Forrest was an avid sailor.

His service is at Portsmouth Methodist Church on February 23rd at 10 AM

Amateur Radio’s FIRST Geosynchronous Satellite

Several milestones were reached at the same time when Qatar’s OSCAR-100 (QO-100) was placed into geosynchronous orbit. First it is the 100th orbiting amateur radio satellite. Second, it is the first for Qatar. Third, it is the first geosynchronous amateur radio satellite.

The bad news is for those of us in North America is that we are outside the footprint of the satellite, which was positioned to service Asia, Europe and Africa (I don’t know that there would have been an orbital slot available in this part of the world).

But we can listen to what is going on, including the 400 bps data downlink (which hasn’t been heard since AO-40 days in 1999) at 10489.800 MHz.  One of the ground stations has a SDR receiver setup online.  The link is below. Please note that when too many users are online you won’t be able to start the sound, but the waterfall is still running.

Here a link to an online SDR that can be used to listen to AO-100 remotely:

Screen cap of Remote SDR tuned to QO-100

Here is an audio recording of G0API calling CQ on QO-100.  John is using 1.2 watts output to a 90 cm dish (3 feet in diameter).