Upcoming ARES Events

RI ARES will be activating Beavertail Lighthouse in Jamestown on July 20th… 10am till 4:30pm… setup will commence at 9am… teardown after 4:30… all are welcome, although we are calling this event a general membership event…

RI ARES will be offer the ARRL Intro to Emergency Communications Course EC-001 as a hybrid, with 2 sessions as live presentations by experienced Emergency communicators… these live sessions will be held on August 10th and 17th, from 10 AM until 2 PM at the Coventry EOC.  Please confirm that you are planning on attending to info@riares.org

The online materials are available on the ARRL website and while it is not required that they be completed before the live sessions, it is recommended that they be begun soon, and the final exam will be required in order to get credit for the class. The course can be found at: https://www.arrl.org/online-course-enrollment/1

Paul Silverzweig, N1PSX
Section Emergency Coordinator 

NCRC Meeting Monday July 8, 7 PM at KVH

Just a reminder that we will have our regular NCRC meeting Monday night at 7 PM at KVH.

Our business this night will be very short, but will include a recap of Field Day, the Newport County Communication Test in late June, and the Beach Island Activation.

Following the meeting, there will be a presentation entitled “What every grandparent needs to know about the night sky”

Successful Comm Exercise in Newport County

The Newport Fire Department held a communication exercise on Saturday June 29th.  The objective was to see if it was possible to gather condition reports from citizens in several different locations and relay them back to the Fire Department using Amateur Radio.

Several NCRC members, in addition to other groups such as the Boys Scouts, participated.  There was a nice write-up about the event in the Newport Daily News, You can read the article here

Chief Dugan stated that “the exercise went well”.  Congratulations and thanks to all involved!

Beach Island Activation

*** UPDATE ***

The activation was successful, but it was hard going as band conditions were awful.

On Beach Island – John K1JSM in the background, Willy W1LY on Left, Jim KA1ZOU on right. Photo by Pete W1LAB

A good friend of Island Activations, who we lovingly call Lighthouse Jim (KA3UNQ — a club member too) calls the NCRC Island Activators “The Boys in the boat”.

Well, activation season is underway, and today, June 30th, will be the first for this summer season.  They are on Beach island, USIslands RI-015, which has never been activated.  They just got on the air, at 14.265 MHz, and will move to 7.265 a bit later on (plus/minus QRM).

Weather is always a challenge, and today is keeping with that trend.  Severe thunderstorms are in the forecast, so they may have to get off the air quickly.

Thanks to all that support these efforts!