All Systems Go For Throttle-Up

With less than 24 hours to go for our live on-air contact between the students of All Saints Academy and Astronaut Jeff Williams aboard the International Space Station, we are happy to report that our final practice session was glitch free.  Both primary and secondary stations were verified as well as the event sound gear.  The students had another walkthrough practicing their questions.  In fact, things went so smoothly that we had keyboard QSOs with two hams during our second pass:  K8OE and WB3CSY.


Rick, WB3CSY posted this to the AMSAT Bulletin Board this afternoon:

RICK WALTER <> 3:00 PM (1 hour ago)
to amsat-bb

Just made a packet contact via the ISS with N1ASA on the last pass. This is
the student station that will be making contact with the astronaut on board
the ISS tomorrow.

*N1ASA>CQ,RS0ISS*,FN41IM,+/ [05/05/16  17:38:15] <UI C>:*

*N1ASA>CQ,RS0ISS*,FN41IM,+/ [05/05/16  17:39:59] <UI C>:**All Saints

*WB3CSY-11>CQ,RS0ISS* [05/05/16  17:40:29] <UI R>:**N1ASA DE WB3CSY-11*

*N1ASA>CQ,RS0ISS*,FN41IM,+/ [05/05/16  17:40:38] <UI C>:**WB3CSY Hello*

*WB3CSY-11>CQ,RS0ISS* [05/05/16  17:41:03] <UI R>:**N1ASA DE WB3CSY-11

*N1ASA>CQ,RS0ISS*,FN41IM,+/ [05/05/16  17:41:12] <UI C>:**QSL WB3CSY*

*WB3CSY-11>CQ,RS0ISS* [05/05/16  17:42:21] <UI R>:**N1ASA DE WB3CSY-11 TU



Space Chat and NCRC Featured on Rhode Show

Jim, KA1ZOU, spoke with host Will Gilbert of Channel 12’s Rhode Show about the upcoming Space Chat with the International Space Station this Friday May 6th.

You can watch the interview here:


Remember, you can listen to the event live beginning at 11:45:

Free Tickets to attend the event in person are available at:

N1ASA Receives ISS QSL Card

All Saints Academy (ASA), N1ASA, received a QSL card from the International Space Station (ISS) for digital messages that were successfully received by the ISS and retransmitted to earth by the Packet Repeater, RS0ISS.


The QSL was dated on 23 April 2016 at 16:51:48 UTC, on 145.825 MHz.

Of course N1ASA will be receiving the most rare of QSLs in the future when ASA students and students from across RI have the first direct radio contact with an astronaut aboard the International Space Station this Friday, May 6.  The pre-event show beings at 11:45 AM, and will conclude shortly after 1 PM.

You may see and hear the event live, beginning at 11:45 AM, by using this link:

Free Tickets to attend the event in person are available at:

You can follow the latest news on the event by using this link:

Or click the ISS-News tab on our own webstie

NCRC Earns DXCC !!!

With the arrival of our 100th contact confirmation, from a CW contact with FY5KE (French Guiana), W1SYE has earned our first DXCC.

Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 12.50.57 PM

As you can probably guess, DXCC is fairly easy to obtain, after all Willy, W1LY, and Bob, WB4SON, started working on it 72 days ago.  But this is the easiest aspect of DXCC — Mixed (any mode on any band).  Stations can apply for different modes (CW, Voice, Digital, Satellite), and different bands.  There are additional awards for completing DXCC on 5-bands (80/40/20/15/10), as well as 1,000 or more confirmed contacts with different countries on different bands.  The ultimate award is obtaining the DXCC Honor Roll, which requires confirmations from 331 or more DX entities.

Bottom line, the club can continue to work on DXCC for many years to come.  For those that might be interested, a breakdown of the contacts by mode and band is shown below:

Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 1.33.15 PM

Congratulations to W1SYE for earning DXCC after 71 years!