Field Day Updates

Field Day setup begins at 9 AM on Friday June 27, then on-the-air action starts at 2 PM on Saturday and finishes at 2 PM on Sunday.

The Field Day Page has been substantially updated with Operating Schedules and lots of supporting information.

Feel free to lend a hand during setup or take-down (hard hat and work gloves are a must), or stop in and see us while we are operating.

FCC Allows Credit for Expired General and Extra Class Licenses

The FCC has revised Amateur Service Part 97 rules to grant credit for written examination elements 3 (General) and 4 (Amateur Extra) to holders of “expired licenses that required passage of those elements.”.  The FCC will require former licensees – those falling outside the 2-year grace period – to pass Element 2 (Technician) in order to be relicensed.


Club Meeting Mon June 9, KVH, 7:00 PM

Our regular club meeting will be held this coming Monday, June 9 beginning at 7:00 PM, at the KVH facility in Middletown (for directions see: In addition to regular business, the meeting will be devoted to Field Day planning.

In addition, members are reminded that we will be running a HF station, open to the public, at the Beavertail Lighthouse this weekend. You are all invited to pop in and get on the air or simply enjoy the beautiful location.  For details see: