NCRC Offering Technician Class starting September 16, 2013

NCRC will be offering a second Technician Class starting September 16, 2013 at the American Red Cross facility in Middletown.  Classes will be held on six consecutive Monday nights from 7:00 – 9:30 PM.  An exam will be given on October 28th at 7:00 PM.

The class fee is $10, and the exam fee is $15.

People interested in the class may go to this URL for more details and to signup:


Congratulations to Rob White, KB1ZZU

Rob White, a fairly new member of NCRC, has been a man on a mission.  After completing his Technician class in May, he passed his General about 2 weeks later.  And as of August 1st, he joined the ranks of Extra class hams.

Not only has Rob sought to improve his own skills, but he arranged for the recent Skywarn training in Newport, and is instrumental in setting up the October JotA event for scouts.  Rob is also a member of Newport Ready.

Congratulations Rob !!

Next Meeting: Monday August 12, 7 PM, American Red Cross

Hopefully everyone survived the heat wave (this author managed to be in Wyoming and Montana, enjoying blissfully cool nights and almost no humidity).

The next NCRC meeting will be held on Monday August 12th at 7 PM at the American Red Cross.  The business meeting will discuss the upcoming ILLW (Aug 17/18), the next Technician Class (Sept 16), and the Jota (October 19/20).

Following the business meeting, Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, our Rhode Island Section Manager, will be giving an overview presentation on Ham Radio.  In addition, Bob Beatty, WB4SON, will be giving a demonstration on Powerpole connections, crimp tools, and accessories.  Anyone interested in having Powerpole connectors applied to their power cables can bring their cables to the club and they will be crimped on while you wait.

NWS Skywarn Training


Portsmouth, Rhode Island – July 31, 2013

The National Weather Service (NWS) in Taunton Massachusetts will be sponsoring a severe weather spotter training session, part of its SKYWARN program, in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

The class is being hosted by the Newport County Radio Club and the Visiting Nurse Services of Newport and Bristol Counties. The class will be on Wednesday July 31, 2013 from 700 PM to approximately 1000 PM. It will be held at the Visiting Nurses Services Building, 1184 East Main Road in Portsmouth Rhode Island.

The session is open to the public at no charge. Amateur Radio Operators, Emergency managers, police, fire, and other first responders are encouraged to attend. Everyone age 16 and older who stays to complete the training will be able to become trained NWS weather spotters. The training session includes a two-hour thirty-minute computer-based presentation, which discusses the development of thunderstorms, the criteria for “severe” thunderstorms, as well as the cloud features associated with severe thunderstorms and tornados. Additional information will be presented about winter storms and proper snow measurement and reporting of coastal flooding, river, stream, and urban flooding and rainfall measurements. The session will also present the procedure for reporting weather information to the National Weather Service. Safety procedures for the various forms of summer severe weather (severe thunderstorms, tornado and lightning), winter storms, and flooding will also be covered in the training session. Anyone attending should bring a pen or pencil and bringing a notebook is optional.

Preregistration is required so a count on supplies can be made. Please contact Rob Macedo-KD1CY at for further information and preregistration.