A fun time at the Holiday Party

To those that attended, thanks for the fellowship, conversation, and fun memories.  To those that did not, you missed a fun evening.

Outgoing President Ted Wrobel summarized the club’s successful year, highlighting the W1SYE radio event at the Tall Ship’s races, the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend Rose Island event, and Field Day activities.

Of course the highlight of the night was the Yankee-Swap gift exchange.  This author is already planning revenge on a certain outgoing president, who managed to snag a fine present in the very last move of the night.  Details can’t be given, but it will involve a mallet, a ceramic pot, and several packs of sweet-n-low.  It will be recorded live using a fine Motorola microphone.

Speaking of recorded live — a video was made of the Yankee-Swap.  It will be edited and posted soon..

PS:  For those of you feeling left out, Sock Monkeys are currently half-off at Cracker Barrel in Coventry.

Officers Voted in for 2013

A quorum was present during yesterday’s meeting and the following slate of officers were put forth to the membership by the nominating committee.  The slate of officers were unanimously approved for the 2013 term:

President:  Ted Wrobel, W1GRI
Vice-president:  Rick Wells, WX2T
Treasurer:  John Mills, K1JSM
Secretary:  Bob Beatty, WB4SON
Executive Committee:  Willy MacLean, W1LY
Executive Committee:  Rick Brendlinger, N3RWB
Executive Committee:  Ed Gosling, W1NQH

Thanks to the outgoing officers for their service.