Club Meeting Monday March 11th, Red Cross building, 7PM

We hope everyone is surviving the perpetual snow. Please hope for warm & dry weather for Monday, March 11, so we can have our regular meeting at the Red Cross facility at 7 PM. Please be advised that this meeting will also be a special election for the office of President and Vice President, which were recently vacated for personal reasons.

Presentation: The History of Digital Modes by Ted Wrobel, W1GRI

Technician Class: Sign up HERE

Technician Class to be held by NCRC starting April 1st

NCRC is offering a Technician class at the ARC building starting April 1st and running through April 29th.  Classes will be held from 7PM until 9PM.  The ARRL VE’s will be giving the exam on May 6th (same time and location).  The cost is $10 for study material and $15 for the exam.  A portion of the study material cost is being underwritten by a IBM Technology Grant (thanks Mike!).

Interested people are asked to go to the following link to register for the class:


Next Meeting is 7:00 PM Monday January 14 at the Red Cross

Happy 2013!

The next meeting of the NCRC will take place at 7:00 PM January 14th at the Red Cross facility.

A report will be given on the club treasury and our plans for 2013 will be discussed (can you believe that Field Day is only 165 days according to our little count-down widget on the NEWS page?)  Finally, a presentation will be given by Bob, WB4SON, on the use of a RaspberryPI to make a highly accurate dual time zone station clock.