W1SYE on-air from Cornelius Island

Today’s activation of RI026, Cornelius Island, is on the air as of 14:34 UTC.

Evan, K1GEA, and Jim, KA1ZOU, are today’s operators.  They are starting out on 7.235 MHz as there been feedback from near-by states that 20-meter copy is challenging so close by.  They will shift to 14.260-265 at some point in the future.


To hit 40-meters, they are using a new Hustler 4-BTV vertical today — it does 20 meters as well.  This is unlike the R6000 which does 20 but not 40-meters.

As of 15:14 UTC, Cornelius Island was officially activated and became RI-026S. And as of 16:00:00 UTC they have moved to 14.260 MHz.

Tune in tomorrow for an activation of Rabbit Island (not qualified but hopefully soon to be RI027S).  Will start on 40m and move to 20m starting about 14:00 UTC.


Jim, KA1ZOU, on left, Evan, K1GEA, on right. 4BTV on the left, and R6000 on the right


KA1ZOU, Jim, at the controls


Operating at the edge of the water is the key — the antennas should be less than 1/2 wave from the water’s edge

Propagation is NOT stellar for sure, but the pileups are persistent:


As the winds were picking up, operation was shut down around 2 PM.  But not before putting 63 40-meter QSOs in the log along with 78 20-meter QSOs.

Cornelius & Rabbit Island Activation July 23/24

Although the details are a bit up in the air, there is a plan afoot to activate Cornelius Island on Saturday (RI026), and Rabbit Island on Sunday (RI027), both in the Wickford area, weather permitting (both days have a 30% chance of rain).

Contact Evan Bowen, K1GEA, for details


Rabbit Island (RI027) is marked, and Cornelius (RI026) is the larger right-most island. Neither have been officially activated

W1SYE at Fox Island on Air: 14.262

After a few rig hiccups, W1SYE is on the air at Fox Island, soon to be RI025S, and beginning to work their pileup.  Close to this author’s location, their signal is booming, and I can’t help but notice that I am not hearing the stations they are working.  So their salt-water vertical is doing a wonderful job.  They have worked at least one DX entity and many US stations so far.

From US Islands Website:

Fox RI025 Narragansett Bay Washington NA-031 -Not yet qualified

Above Video taken by David Brown — many thanks Dave!


2m White Stick, Vertical, and shack. Pete, W1LAB, taking some photos.

At the desk, John, K1JSM, and Jim, KA1ZOU. Pete, W1LAB standing. (Evan taking photos)

At the desk, John, K1JSM, and Jim, KA1ZOU. Pete, W1LAB standing. (Evan taking photos)

As of 14:43 UTC, the activation is official, they are now RI025S

Fox Island Activation Coming July 16

The NCRC intrepid activation crew will be activating Fox Island, (US Islands RI025S once qualified).  This is a rare/unique opportunity, as the island is now owned by a corporation and visitors are not allowed.  Through good fortune and our ability to show a series of successful activations in the past two years, Jim, KA1ZOU, was able to secure one time permission to activate the island.

Expect the gang to be on the air by 10 AM local time and to remain until at least 2 PM (or later if band conditions support it).  Check around 14.260-14.265 MHz, using callsign W1SYE.

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.31.31 PM

Meeting Reminder: Monday July 11

There will be a regular meeting of NCRC at 7 PM on Monday July 11th at KVH.

Lots of fun things to discuss:  Field Day, Patience Island, upcoming activations

Following our business meeting, a presentation will be given by David Brown, the videographer who took the fantastic drone video of our Field Day operation.

Don’t forget to pay your dues — renewals were due in January, and members will be deleted from the roster by the end of July.