80-meter SSB Net Wed 20:00L 3900 KHz +/-

Several members of NCRC have expressed interest in establishing an 80-meter SSB net.  David Cain, W1DEC, did some scouting for us and observed that 3900 KHz is usually clear around 20:00L, and that was the case on Wed Nov 23, when we had our first get together.  Members who participated were:

  • W1DEC, Dave, in Jamestown
  • W1LY, Willy, in Jamestown
  • WB4SON, Bob, in North Kingstown
  • KA1ZOU, Jim, in North Kingstown
  • KC1SD, Jim, portable in New Hampshire
  • W1LAB, Pete, in North Kingstown
  • KD4MCB, Barry, in Syracuse NY
  • KC3BOM, Joe, in Pittsburgh PA
  • NO5G, Philip, Minden LA
  • KI4ODO, Marvin, Louisburg NC
  • KA4IZN, Jim, New Bern, NC
  • KC4SC, John, Portable in NC

Willy’s signal seemed to hold up the best, with a mostly vertical oriented antenna and a solid KW of output power.  It was interesting to hear other stations and their relative strength compared to some of our own local stations — HF propagation is always fun!


Jim Kyle is hearing signals about 40 dB lower than the same time last night, which might support the thought that skywave propagation is not the same as last night.

Congratulations – NCRC places 2nd Nationally for Field Day

NCRC really upped their game for Field Day 2016.  As a result we moved up to 2nd place nationally for category 2A, the most competitive Category — our best results ever!


This also means that we are in 1st place in the New England Division, the best that NCRC has ever performed.


And we came in 1st place for Rhode Island


Thank you VERY much to all the volunteers that helped with setup, take-down, feeding, and operating.  A special congratulations go out to John, WA1ABI, and Willy, W1LY, for the best showing every for the club!



It’s a Wrap (JOTA)

NCRC just completed its fourth JOTA at Glen Park, and it was a complete success.  In the end, scouts from five troops participated.  Sixteen scouts completed their Radio Merit Badge, and 3 more have a few things to finish up. Although dipping down to just above freezing Saturday morning, the weather was fantastic; blue skies the entire weekend.

When the radio gear was setup, the RF conditions were horrible, the earth having jusy been pummeled by a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) the day before.  But by Saturday when the real RF fun began, things has quietened down, with lots of European DX to be had, as well as many stateside contacts. The scouts had plenty to choose from with two HF and two VHF stations in use.

A real surprise for the event was how busy DSTAR was with scouts from all over the world linked into Reflector 33A.  Thanks to Ted W1GRI for setting up a DSTAR radio for JOTA!

Bob WB4SON with Charlie at the Mic

Bob WB4SON with Charlie at the Mic