QRP Symposium Jan 2, 2017

Jim K1GND and Bob W1YRC host a monthly basic radio tutorial event that they call
The Consortium“. They meet at the Asia Grille at Lincoln Mall on Rte. 116 in
Lincoln, usually on the first Monday of the month.  Meetings start at 6:30 PM, however, people start arriving after 5:00 PM for dinner before the meeting.

The next event on January 2nd will be on QRP that seems to be gaining popularity.  They will have two guests who are accomplished QRPers; Peter WA1ISA and Frank W1EYH.

Each will bring QRP units that he has designed and/or built. They will describe their work and interests in QRP.  Bob says “Believe me when I say that It will be worth your while to come just to hear what these two experts have to say”.

Continued Work on 3.900 Wed Net

NCRC members and some other fine folks from far away joined us between 19:30 and 20:30 Local time on 3.9 MHz. This is the second week we’ve tried this and various folks from the East and West Bay checked in. Just like last week, signals that were S5 to S7 at 19:30 dropped entirely into the mud by 20:00, so the consensus was to move the net to 19:30 hours.

John, WA1ABI, shared a link to a real-time F2 Layer map, which showed that the F2 frequency dropped from about 5 MHz at 19:30 to 4 MHz at 20:00. So the assumption would be that everyone except Willy is mostly relying on NVIS signal propagation.

Folks that joined the net were:

KC1SD – Jim (NH)
W1LY – Willy (RI)
W1DEC – Dave (RI)
WA1ABI – John (RI)
W1LAB – Pete (RI)
N1PSX – Paul (RI)
NJ3K – Bruce (PA)
WD8ORB – Seth (OH)
N7SKI – John (MT)