Meeting Monday November 10 @ 7 PM — HT-Fest

Our regular NCRC meeting will be held Monday, November 10, at 7:00 PM, at KVH Industries.  In addition to a wrap-up of our last on-air club event for 2014 (JotA), and discussion of our upcoming Christmas Party, we should also be receiving and voting on the proposed list of officers for 2015.

Club members new and old are encouraged to bring their HTs and manuals (along with any accessories you would like to show off).  After the regular meeting closes, we will have a hands-on HT-Fest where we will attempt to help each other get our HTs programmed to use area repeaters, and discuss various antenna and accessory options (like programming software).

Annual Christmas Party December 8

Members are reminded that the annual party will be held December 8, at the Mainstay Inn, 151 Admiral Kalbfus RD, Newport, RI (across the street from Newport Slots). There will be a cash bar at 6PM, followed by dinner at 7PM. The cost for the buffet dinner (featuring a steamship round beef roast) is $30. Don’t forget to bring a gift for the Yankee Swap. Please make reservations with Ed Gosling, W1NQH.

Aquidneck Island Emergency Preparedness Expo

Members of the Newport County Emergency Communication Technician team (NCECTs) will representing our club and Amateur Radio’s roll in emergency preparedness, along with the Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth EMA Directors, National Grid, the American Red Cross, the National Weather Service, the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency, Rhode Island Department of Health, and others at the Edward King House, on Saturday, November 15, 2014, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM for the Aquidneck Island Emergency Preparedness Expo.

The residents of Newport, Middletown and Portsmouth are invited to attend this first ever island-wide informational event to speak with public safety representatives about the importance of being prepared in the event of a natural disaster.

Aquidneck Island Emergency Preparedness Expo
Edward King House
35 King Street
Newport, RI
Saturday, November 15, 2014, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM

For more information call: 401-846-7426



JotA 2014 is a wrap!

JotA 2014 wrapped up about 10 AM today after a very successful weekend of camping and ham radio activity.  NCRC setup VHF and HF stations at Glen Park, and held the Radio Merit Badge class again.  The scouts seemed even more interested in ham radio this year, perhaps due to the band openings that were providing excellent DX opportunities, and the ability to chat with other scouts in Mass using the VHF gear.

Rob White, KB1ZZU, did an excellent job pulling together the team, and will be presenting the results during next month’s meeting.  Dave Brown was also there so we can look forward to more of his excellent photos.

Willy and Rob launch the HF antenna over the trees

Willy and Rob launch the HF antenna over the trees

Rich and Chuck get the VHF Station on the air

Rich and Chuck get the VHF Station on the air

Willy HF

Willy helping Josh work DX on 17 meters

Scouts relaxing by the fire after a long day of rag chewing

Scouts relaxing by the fire after a long day of rag chewing

(Photo Credit to John King and Bob Beatty)