Useful Repeater Directory for Smart Phone Users

I had stumbled across what is billed as “The World Wide Repeater Directory” today:

While not a free service ($9.95 per year for a subscription), their IOS and Android Apps provide an new way for hams to access repeater information on-the-go.  I purchased the iPhone App to try it out ($9.95, but that includes the year-long subscription).  The App knows my location from the phone GPS and can show the visual location of repeaters on a map, or simply list them (by distance, frequency, or call sign).

I think I now have a permanent replacement for the pocket repeater directory I used to by each year, then promptly misplace.  Plus mapping the locations seems far more useful than simply seeing a list by region.

73, Bob, WB4SON

Don’t miss the Clipperton Island DXpedition going on NOW

The Clipperton Island DXpedition has about 5 days remaining for their operation.  Signals into Rhode Island have been exceptionally good.  WB4SON reports working them on 160/80/40/30/20/17/15 and 12 meters using all modes (CW, SSB, Digital) in the past two days.  So far nothing has been heard on 10 meters during the times they are active on that band, but conditions on 10 meters have been quite poor recently. (Ed: Bob reports that he managed to work them on 10 meter CW as well)

TX5K has a wonderful real-time website that informs people what bands and modes are being used, and lets you know within a minute or two that you have a valid contact in their log.  Check it out here:

For those of you interested in what goes into a $250,000 DXpedition, you might find the book written to describe this DXpedition interesting.

This is the same gang that will be putting on a $1,000,000+ DXpedition to the Antarctic’s Heard Island next Jan/Feb.

Club Meeting Monday March 11th, Red Cross building, 7PM

We hope everyone is surviving the perpetual snow. Please hope for warm & dry weather for Monday, March 11, so we can have our regular meeting at the Red Cross facility at 7 PM. Please be advised that this meeting will also be a special election for the office of President and Vice President, which were recently vacated for personal reasons.

Presentation: The History of Digital Modes by Ted Wrobel, W1GRI

Technician Class: Sign up HERE