Things Just Keep Getting Better for W1SYE

Ed (W1NQH), Jack (N1JK), John (WA1ABI), and Willy (W1LY) were at it again on April 27th, installing custom made Heliax cables and resolving RF noise that was desensing the receiver.  You can read about the latest update HERE, and see photos of the repeater site and update HERE

The club is very grateful to all those involved in the update, which when completed, will result in a fine ECOM repeater for all of the East Bay area.

Interesting Interview Concerning Ham Radio at the Boston Marathon

Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, who produces the Ham Radio Now webisodes, has interviewed the three net control operators who are responsible for the Boston Marathon and direct the efforts of approximately 240 hams before, during, and after the race.  The interview deals with the bombing, and has been split into two parts.

You can find the first part here: