Will there be a Solar Cycle 25?

Solar Cycle 24 is diminishing rapidly, and we’ve already had several days with zero sunspot activity.  We should hit the minimum then see the uptick sometime around 2020. But what will Solar Cycle 25 look like?  You might want to take a guess after looking at the last three solar cycles in the image below.

According to Dr. Sten Odenwall, we will start seeing the new sunspots from Cycle 25 sometime around late-2019. The sunspot maximum is likely to occur in 2024, with most forecasts predicting about half as many sunspots as in Cycle 24.  Weak indeed!

The bad news is that some studies show sunspot magnetic field strengths have been declining since 2000 and are already close to the minimum needed to produce sunspots on the solar surface. This is also supported by independent work in 2015 published in the journal Nature. Therefore, by Cycle 25, magnetic fields may be too weak to form recognizable sunspots at all, spelling the end of the sunspot cycle phenomenon.

Let’s hope that Cycle 24 isn’t our last!

(You can read more in Dr. Odenwall’s blog here)

Field Day 2017 is in the Log!

We were amazingly fortunate this year; first to have such a wonderful set of volunteers, especially those that worked tirelessly (seems an odd thing to say for exhausting work) getting the material to and from the park, raising and lowering all the antennas, and setting up and removing all the gear).  Second, we were VERY lucky with the weather.  Quite a storm blew-by on Saturday morning, and everyone was forced to seek shelter indoors.  By 11 AM the skies were blue again, and the weather couldn’t have been better for the contest itself.

Special thanks go out to Willy W1LY and his wonderful team who made all this possible by putting everything together.  Thousands of pounds of stuff moved too and fro with most of it lifted high into the air.  Ed W1NQH, Fay, and Brian N1TBT worked tirelessly feeding the hungry hoards Saturday and Sunday, and put together a wonderful family dinner for the largest crowd I can recall.  Of course John WA1ABI managed to lead all of us through another safe and enjoyable event.  Congratulations to the team leaders who did such a fine job:  Paul N1PSX, Chuck N1CKT, Bob WB4SON, Dave KC3GPA, and Bruce NJ3K.

We were also lucky to have Dave, KC1AAA, with us documenting Field Day from start to finish.  His photos are wonderful along with his story.  If you would like to see a copy of his slideshow, you can click here!

Blue skies await the 14:00 start on Saturday (Photo: Dave KC1AAA)

NCRC Meeting Monday June 12, 7 PM at KVH


Please remember that Monday June 12 is our regular meeting at 7 PM, at KVH.

In addition to a brief business meeting, we will be discussing the final Field Day preparations.  If you haven’t signed up for Saturday’s dinner yet, or even if you know you aren’t going, we would appreciate you taking a few seconds to fill out the form on this webpage linked below.  Calling 100 members is quite a task, and those that fill in the form really help us out!  If you aren’t going type a zero 0 in the number attending field.

Field Day 2017 – Please Sign Up for Dinner Sat June 24

After the business meeting, there will be the first of a number of reviews of logging software.  Monday’s meeting will cover N3FJP’s Amateur Contact Log, which also happens to be the software we will be using at the GOTA station for Field Day.


Field Day 2017 – Please Sign Up for Dinner Sat June 24

Field Day is rapidly approaching.  It will be June 23-Jun 25.
You can find out more details about Field Day by going to this website link:
PLEASE take a moment to sign up for dinner.  Ed needs to get an estimate of those attending so he can purchase enough food.  As a reminder, Saturday Dinner is open to all club members and their families, and is free of charge.  Just let Ed know the total number coming.  You can see that there is a form on the website given above that allows you to fill in the dinner reservation electronically.  Again, that website is  https://w1sye.org/?page_id=3287
Inline image 1

NCRC Meeting Monday May 8 @ 7 PM KVH

Hard to believe it is meeting time again, but we will get together at 7:00 PM at KVH 75 Enterprise Drive, Middletown RI.

We will start our Field Day planning and have a short business meeting.
After the business meeting, Paul K1YBE, will have a demonstration of the Pixie transmit signal and how the standard filter does not attenuate the 2nd harmonic enough to produce a pure sine wave.
See you tomorrow night!