Activation Crew on West Island Saturday Sept 1

***Update 1705 UTC — The crew has completed the activation and is off the air (they have to leave before the tide goes too far out).  Thanks for all that helped to make this a successful Island and Lighthouse activation.

***Update 1625 UTC — The crew is on the air 7.261 MHz  West Island RI-030S and ARLHS US-718  (Became RI-030S at 1516 UTC)

***Update 1540 UTC — The crew is on the air 14.270 MHz  West Island RI-030 and ARLHS US-718

***Update 1520 UTC — The crew is on West Island having just transferred the gear.  Maybe on air in another 15-20 min.  Expect first attempts on 14.260 MHz

The NCRC Island Activation Crew will be activating West island, which is off of Sakonnet Point/Little Compton RI.  This is an island that has NOT been activated before under the US Islands Awards program  RI-030.

The Island is within the 3300 foot visual sight rule for Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) as Lighthouse USA-718

Expect the crew to begin sometime between 1500-1530 UTC, on 14.260 +/- QRM, then change to 7.260 +/- QRM.

Those who work W1SYE during this event will receive credit for US Islands RI-030 on the air and Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society USA-718

Jim KA1ZOU (left) and Willy W1LY putting antenna together

Antenna is now up. How about that salt water ground plane?

Tiny people under the tent (Paul K1YBE by tent)

Under the tent: John K1JSM, Willy W1LY, Paul K1YBE, Jim KA1ZOU — Pete W1LAB taking photos

Jim KA1ZOU (left) and Willy W1LY enjoying a 20-meter QSO

An After Action Report is very important. Activators (L to R): Willy W1LY, Jim KA1ZOU, John K1JSM, Bonnie, Steve, Paul K1YBE


Silent Key: John King

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of John King today (August 29) about an hour ago.  John was a very important member of the club, one of the founders of the 49ers, and held an A1 Operator Certificate.  The W1SYE repeater was a recent gift from John to the club.

Details will be announced in the future.  Several on-air events are planned, including a “Final Call” on the OSECA net (7:00 PM Tuesday September 4th on the KA1RCI network).  The VHF Net at 7 PM tomorrow, Thursday, is being run from the Portsmouth EOC.

Our thoughts and deepest sympathy goes out to his three children and to all those who feel this loss.

Boxboro MA Hamfest Right Around Corner

There are only a few more days left before you can no longer pay
by US mail.  If you wish to use this option, please make sure
to visit their website by this coming Friday.  They will continue
to accept Paypal payments until September 5th.

If you are planning to stay overnight, rooms are available at
the convention discount rate of $99/night.  Friday night is now
sold out at this rate.  There are still a few rooms left on
Saturday.  Call 978-263-8701 and use the discount code NEHAM!