NCRC Meeting Monday March 12, 7 PM, at KVH

Just a reminder that the NCRC Meeting is tomorrow night, Monday March 12th, at 7 PM at KVH.  We were a bit concerned about the weather but it appears that any snow our area gets will not begin until after 10 PM on Monday and we should all be home before then.

The program for Monday will be given by John King on VHF repeaters.

On another topic, please be aware that The Consortium meeting at the Asia Grille (622 George Washington Hwy, Lincoln) covering Antenna Analyzer use has been rescheduled for Monday March 19th so that NCRC members can attend.  The presentation starts at 6:30 PM, but many folks arrive around 5 PM so they can enjoy a dinner.  The concept for The Consortium was featured on page 67 of the April QST.

Meeting Monday Feb 12 @ 7 PM

We will have our regular monthly meeting this coming Monday, 7:00 PM February 12, at KVH.

Before the meeting, starting at 6:45, we will have one or more show & tell tables setup for members to view.  A table will focus on something of potential interest to members.  It might be a chance to see a new radio, or it might be technical in nature.  This will become a regular part of meetings going forward.

After the meeting, we are fortunately to have Mike Bragg, K1VI, travel to us from Pawtucket to give us a presentation on the new digital modes that have taken HF by storm; modes like FT-8 and JT-9 (see ). This is the same presentation that he gave during the January “Consortium” meeting.

The weather looks to be good for Monday, so hopefully we will have a good turnout.

Need Volunteers for Winter Field Day

We are in need for a lead for the Phone Tent, as well as operators willing to remain at the location overnight (so the gear can remain).  In addition we would like to accommodate anyone who would like to try their hand at operating on HF.  Please contact John King WA1ABI (wa1abi at

Meeting Monday Jan 8 at 7 PM

Happy New Year!

Our first meeting of 2018 will be this coming Monday at KVH (75 Enterprise DR, Middletown RI) at 7 PM

We have 19 new member applicants and upcoming Winter Field Day to discuss, in addition to regular business items. Our program after the meeting will be a showing of the NOVA film “Secrets of the Sun” (about 50 minutes long).

Hope to see everyone there.