NCRC Meeting Monday June 12, 7 PM at KVH


Please remember that Monday June 12 is our regular meeting at 7 PM, at KVH.

In addition to a brief business meeting, we will be discussing the final Field Day preparations.  If you haven’t signed up for Saturday’s dinner yet, or even if you know you aren’t going, we would appreciate you taking a few seconds to fill out the form on this webpage linked below.  Calling 100 members is quite a task, and those that fill in the form really help us out!  If you aren’t going type a zero 0 in the number attending field.

Field Day 2017 – Please Sign Up for Dinner Sat June 24

After the business meeting, there will be the first of a number of reviews of logging software.  Monday’s meeting will cover N3FJP’s Amateur Contact Log, which also happens to be the software we will be using at the GOTA station for Field Day.


Winter Field Day – Great Success!

Winter Field Day 2017 has come and gone.  Members of the Portsmouth Emergency Management Agency and NCRC fielded two stations in Glen Park; a phone station that was on 24 hours, and a CW/Digital station that was on as activity permitted.  Thanks to the large number of folks that showed up to help with set-up/take-down.

Although far less ambitious in terms of the antennas and number of stations than Field Day in June (it IS winter, after all), last year was the first effort, and the team turned in 15,624 points to take 2nd place nationally, for a multi-operator station outdoors.  Early indications are that this year’s score will be substantially higher!

Besides the obvious benefit that such events have for emergency communication training (emergencies don’t just happen in the summer), it provides good publicity for our club.  In fact we have a new member applicant as a result!

Lots of folks were involved.  A partial list is:  Paul N1PSX, Pete W1LAB, Willy W1LY, Dave KC1GPA, Dave W2DAN, John WA1ABI, Mike AA1XQ, Howie K1TZQ, Dave W1DEC, Paul K1YBE, Paul, KC1DJO, Chuck N1CKT, Steve KC1AQQ, James K1SD, Rob KB1ZZU, Bob WB4SON

Mast for CW/Digital Station antenna raised by Willy W1LY, Paul N1PSX, Mike AA1XQ,  and Dave KC1GPA (left to right)

CW/Digital Antenna is a 135 foot dipole fed with ladder line, 25 feet in the air.

Howie K1TZQ, at the key of the CW tent

The Satellite Station operated from WB4SON’s truck. IC9100 with a Toughbook running SatPC32

The Satellite Antenna was a crossed 2m/70cm beam held by a photo tripod and set to the Az/El of mid-pass

Congratulations – NCRC places 2nd Nationally for Field Day

NCRC really upped their game for Field Day 2016.  As a result we moved up to 2nd place nationally for category 2A, the most competitive Category — our best results ever!


This also means that we are in 1st place in the New England Division, the best that NCRC has ever performed.


And we came in 1st place for Rhode Island


Thank you VERY much to all the volunteers that helped with setup, take-down, feeding, and operating.  A special congratulations go out to John, WA1ABI, and Willy, W1LY, for the best showing every for the club!



Field Day 2016 is a Wrap

It’s now just a fond memory; Field Day 2016 is now in the books.  Great fun, great food, great teams, and great results.  It looks like our score will be up this year.

A wonderful visitor to Glen Park, David Brown, took the time to provide a unique view of Field Day with this Drone video.  It’s 2 minutes long:

David will be talking about the equipment used to make the video at our next meeting!

Field Day Preparations Almost Complete

The heavy-lifting antenna crew erected four towers today, supporting three tri-band beams, two moxon antennas, and a 80/40m fan dipole,  By 4 PM the tents were up, feedlines installed, and on-air tests completed.

From left to right - CW tent, tower and moxon.  GOTA tower and fan dipole, Phone tower and moxon.  6 meter moxon.

From left to right – CW tent, tower and moxon. GOTA tower and fan dipole, Phone tower and moxon. 6 meter moxon.

Testing this early morning indicated excellent antenna performance on 80/40/20 meters.  15 meter was dead along with 10 meters.  5 watts to our antennas would yield 15 dB above the noise floor signals in the middle of the country.  So add about 13 more dB for 100 watts, and the signal levels will eexcellent.