OSECA Net a Rousing Success!

The OSECA net debuted this past Tuesday, December 2, at 1900 local time on the KA1RCI Network.  By any definition, it was a rousing success, with 32 check-ins in just over an hour.  John King, WA1ABI, had the honor of being the first Net Control station.

OSECA stands for Ocean State Emergency Communion Alliance.  It was formed with a goal of providing a forum for those hams involved in EmComm throughout the state.  Representatives from multiple EMAs checked in (Providence, Coventry, No. Smithfield, Wakefield, Narragansett, Westerly, and Portsmouth, to name a few), as well as other served agencies and non-emergency public service groups.

The OSECA net is held on the FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of each month at 1900 local time on the KA1RCI Network.  Despite its focus on EmComm, all hams, especially those who are looking for an agency to join, are encouraged to participate.

Please join OSECA net Tuesday @ 7 PM

A new net will meet Tuesday December 2nd at 7 PM on any of the KA1RCI Repeater Nodes.  For the Newport Area, the best choice will be the Exeter node which is 146.985 with a -600 Offset and a Tone of 67.0 Hz (the Portsmouth Node is currently down for repair).

OSECA is the Ocean State Emergency Communication Alliance, and it was created through cooperative discussion with local EMA and Ham Radio Teams throughout the state.  Our own John King, WA1ABI, is very involved in this process and has asked NCRC members to please support this new net.  He has written the following:

Good People:

A brand new 2-meter EmComm net is starting up next Tuesday, Dec 2nd at 19:00 on the KA1RCI repeater network.  This net will be open to all hams, but the primary purpose is to connect the hams who serve in the various EmComm teams in Rhode Island.  Several other EMA’s have EmComm teams like our Portsmouth EMA EmComm Unit, but at present we have no connections between those teams.  We hope to improve this with the Ocean State Emergency Communications Alliance (OSECA) Net.

Please make every effort to check in to this first net session on Tuesday. The net will be an informal directed net, something like the NCRC nightly net. I expect that we will have folks from all over RI checking in. I have been working with the EMA ham radio teams in Coventry, Providence, and Westerly to get this net going, and I am asking for your support in making it a success. Please check in if you are able. Note: The KA1RCI 147.075 Portsmouth repeater is temporarily off the air. The nearest KA1RCI repeater for most of us will be the 146.985 repeater in Westerly.

Additional information about OSECA can be found here

Things Just Keep Getting Better for W1SYE

Ed (W1NQH), Jack (N1JK), John (WA1ABI), and Willy (W1LY) were at it again on April 27th, installing custom made Heliax cables and resolving RF noise that was desensing the receiver.  You can read about the latest update HERE, and see photos of the repeater site and update HERE

The club is very grateful to all those involved in the update, which when completed, will result in a fine ECOM repeater for all of the East Bay area.

RIEMA Officials to be at October 8th Meeting

John King, WA1ABI, will be bringing Kevin Clapp (RIEMA Regional Coordinator) and Gil Woodside (RIEMA Communications Officer) to the next meeting, to be held at the Portsmouth Fire Station at 7 PM on October 8th.  These gentlemen will be talking about about the RI Emergency Management Agency and their goal to engage Amateur Radio operators in EMA’s efforts.