Want to help MARS stations?

There is an exercise between MARS and Amateur Radio Stations that is being held this Sunday, November 8th.  Beginning about 8 AM local time and continuing through about 11 AM on the KA1RCI network, MARS stations that are also hams will ask for county status reports from hams.  Please note these are ACTUAL conditions, not simulated:

“The requests from MARS amateur radio operators will be for the status of power, water, sanitation, medical facilities, communications and transportation.  Amateur operators are to respond to the best of their knowledge, and it is perfectly acceptable to say “I don’t know”.  MARS amateur operators may thus talk with several amateur radio operators to try to develop a fuller picture of that county’s status.  Again, amateur stations should report only actual conditions.”

The purpose of the exercise is demonstrate the MARS operator’s capability to develop a situation picture for their area of responsibility.


AUXCOM Training Available in late September

RIEMA is holding a free AUXCOM training class for licensed hams who have completed the required online Emergency Management Institute training (IS-100.b, IS-200.b, IS-700.a, and IS-800.b).  The class will be held Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27, 2015 at the RIEMA Warehouse from 8 AM to 5 PM. The RIEMA Warehouse is located at 279 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI.  The class is limited to 30 students, so sign up early.

You can sign up online here:  https://riema.wufoo.com/forms/trgauxcomm-auxiliary-communications-workshop/

You can see more information about the class here.

Next ECTTC Class Starts March 3

John King, WA1ABI, has announced the next Emergency Communications Technician Training Course (ECCTC) will begin at 7 PM on Tuesday March 3rd.  This class will be held on seven consecutive Tuesdays at the Portsmouth EOC.  The course is open to all licensed Amateur radio operators. Preference is given to residents of Newport County, but enrollment is open to all Amateur operators on a space available basis.

This training course equips the student with the knowledge and skills needed to serve as an Emergency Communicator in an Emergency Operations Center, a Red Cross evacuation shelter, or a Medical Emergency Distribution System Point of Dispensing. These skills are applicable to operations in many other public safety emergency communications venues. No prior knowledge of public safety or emergency communications is assumed or required. See the course syllabus for information on the subject areas covered in this course.

More details can be found in this document