Field Day Updates

Field Day setup begins at 9 AM on Friday June 27, then on-the-air action starts at 2 PM on Saturday and finishes at 2 PM on Sunday.

The Field Day Page has been substantially updated with Operating Schedules and lots of supporting information.

Feel free to lend a hand during setup or take-down (hard hat and work gloves are a must), or stop in and see us while we are operating.

Club Meeting Mon June 9, KVH, 7:00 PM

Our regular club meeting will be held this coming Monday, June 9 beginning at 7:00 PM, at the KVH facility in Middletown (for directions see: In addition to regular business, the meeting will be devoted to Field Day planning.

In addition, members are reminded that we will be running a HF station, open to the public, at the Beavertail Lighthouse this weekend. You are all invited to pop in and get on the air or simply enjoy the beautiful location.  For details see:

Future Club Meetings to be Held at KVH in Middletown

Willy MacLean, W1LY, met with officials at the new KVH Manufacturing facility located at 75 Enterprise Drive, Middletown, RI.  They have graciously agreed to host our club meetings.  Willy described the meeting as very enthusiastic.  KVH has several hams on staff, and there is always a possibility to groom more.  Details on locating the meeting room will be sent in an upcoming member email, and will be posted on the main page of the website soon.