Officers Voted in for 2013

A quorum was present during yesterday’s meeting and the following slate of officers were put forth to the membership by the nominating committee.  The slate of officers were unanimously approved for the 2013 term:

President:  Ted Wrobel, W1GRI
Vice-president:  Rick Wells, WX2T
Treasurer:  John Mills, K1JSM
Secretary:  Bob Beatty, WB4SON
Executive Committee:  Willy MacLean, W1LY
Executive Committee:  Rick Brendlinger, N3RWB
Executive Committee:  Ed Gosling, W1NQH

Thanks to the outgoing officers for their service.


RIEMA Officials to be at October 8th Meeting

John King, WA1ABI, will be bringing Kevin Clapp (RIEMA Regional Coordinator) and Gil Woodside (RIEMA Communications Officer) to the next meeting, to be held at the Portsmouth Fire Station at 7 PM on October 8th.  These gentlemen will be talking about about the RI Emergency Management Agency and their goal to engage Amateur Radio operators in EMA’s efforts.