NCRC March Meeting

Our regular March 2022 NCRC meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday March 14th at 7PM.  Invitations for the meeting will be sent via email.

The club is trying something new to see if we can make our meetings less about business and more about things we care about.  With that in mind, we will no longer discuss committee reports during our meetings.  Instead we will publish them on the club website under Documents/Current Year Documents/Current Year Committee Reports.  Please check under the Documents Tab for details on the club’s workings.

The business part of our meeting will now be reserved for items that require a vote by the membership (like new applicants, or significant expenditure of funds).  That will leave more time for the presentation and socializing.  Of course if a member has any business item to discuss, please feel free to bring it up during the meeting.

Minutes of each meeting will continue to be published under Documents/Current Year Documents/Current Year Minutes

The presentation will be given by Paul K1YBE, who will cover an introduction to Celestial Navigation.  Members are invited to join the club for a Field Trip on Saturday March 19th from 11am-1pm at Brenton Point Park in Newport.  Sextants will be available.  Of course members are free to setup and run HF gear as well (like POTA)