CW Academy Classes Starting in January

CWops, a group devoted to Morse Code, offers classes three times a year.  If you have an interest in learning Morse Code, or improving your skills, you chance is coming up in January & February.

Called the CW Academy, there are four levels of classes you can participate in:

  • Beginner – For those with limited or no CW experience.
  • Basic – Familiar with characters but need increased proficiency
  • Intermediate – Comfortable about 10 WPM on-air, looking to improve
  • Advanced – Operating on air at 15 WPM and looking to contest at 30 WPM

Classes are open to all and are free.  The standard format is to meet via Zoom twice a week for an hour, then do practice on your own, or with your classmates for 30-60 min a day.  If you would like to participate, please use this link to find out more and sign up for classes:

CWops are very good at what they do.  In 2021, they had 1,452 students who completed their classes, taught by 79 volunteer instructors.  This year, six NCRC members were students, and one is even teaching classes starting in January.