NCRC Meeting Monday July 10, 7 PM at KVH

Happy 4th of July!

Just a reminder that we will be having our regular meeting on Monday July 10, at KVH, at 7 PM.

In addition to a brief business meeting that will review our Field Day results (record setting), there will be a presentation of a Nova movie called “Secrets of the Sun” afterward.  This movie lasts 52 minutes and is a great way to learn about helioscience (science of the sun), how Solar Flairs and Coronal Mass Ejections work, and the processes that drive them.  This is a great background for understand radio propagation as well. By the end of the movie you will understand that the news media almost always reports on Solar Flairs, but the real hard hitting punch is carried by the Coronal Mass Ejection days later.

There is a post on our website ( ) intended to stimulate some thought — will there even be a solar cycle 25?

Finally, don’t forget, our intrepid gang of Island Activators will be in the Elizabethan Island chain, and will be activating new islands starting Friday July 7.  Keep up to date with what is going on by checking our website!  (See )

Be safe, enjoy the holiday, and hope to see you at our next meeting.