Gardner Island, Officially Activated as RI016S

As of 15:35:35 UTC, W1SYE, was ON THE AIR from Gardner Island.currently on 7.238 MHz.  By 16:25 UTC Gardner was officially qualified (31 Qs and 4 DX stations).  As of 16:31 they had moved to 20 meters, 14.266 MHz.  The band wasn’t cooperating well, and the guys went QRT around 17:50 UTC.

Today’s operators were Jim, KA1ZOU, and Pete, W1LAB (Boat Master, and Photographer).

Jim, KA1ZOU, at the operating position on Gardner Island, RI (Note Goblin in background)

Jim, KA1ZOU, at the operating position on Gardner Island, RI (Note Goblin in background)

4BTV antenna located close to shoreline. Note copper strap leading into salt water.

4BTV antenna located close to shoreline. Note copper strap leading into salt water.

As the tide went out their ground connection was gradually exposed, which may help explain why signal levels were down a couple of S units on 40m 2 hours later.


Things took a bit of time to setup, it was a long haul to the island, and the harbor master took exception to them being on a private island until they indicated they had permission from the owner.