One of the benefits of being an ARRL Affiliated Club is having the ability to participate in the Club Commission Program. This program allows NCRC to earn a commission for enrolling new and renewing ARRL members. New memberships will earn NCRC $15 and renewals $5 commissions. Members can renew at any time without losing time. If your renewal is normally in July and you renew in May, the time is added to your July date.
Participation in the program is simple:
- Each new or renewing ARRL member should print and fill out the membership application for Affiliated Clubs.
- Each new or renewing ARRL member should print the NCRC 2023 ARRL Club Commission Form. and indicate in the blue box whether they are a new or renewing member.
- Payment in FULL can be made to ARRL by check, credit card, or cash.
- The new or renewing ARRL member should then snail mail both forms with FULL payment to ARRL for processing. Mailing address for the ARRL is indicated at the bottom of the forms.
It’s that simple! ARRL will process the forms: you’ll be an ARRL member and NCRC will receive a commission check from ARRL.
In the spirit of 2023 and ARRL’s Year Of the Volunteers, the ARRL is offering the additional promotion to clubs using the Club Commission Program:
For every five new members signed through the Club Commission Program through the end of 2023, ARRL will give NCRC a copy of The ARRL Handbook, which will be used as a prize during an upcoming meeting or event.