About the Sept 25 2016 Fox Hunt
- The Fox Hunt will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2016 (Rain date October 23)
- RULES and INFO can be found by clicking here
- Registration begins at 9:30 AM There is no fee for this event (FREE)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE - The hunt runs from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM
- There will be a debrief and award ceremony at 11:00 AM,
- There will be a practice fox available from 9:00 until 10:00 AM
- Teams (at least 1 person) will locate FIVE hidden fox transmitters on foot.
- Teams must have both RDF RX capability and 146.55 MHz Simplex Capability
(146.55 will be used to communicate with Fox Control and establish location times) - The team with that finds the foxes the quickest will take first prize (certificate)
- Each Hidden Fox will be on a separate frequency as follows:
- 146.400
- 146.430
- 146.460
- 146.490
- 146.580
The hunt will be held at Beavertail State Park, Jamestown, RI, and registration will be in Parking Lot #4
Information for Fox Hunters
Book: Transmitter Hunting
Presentation: Basic Fox Hunting
Fox Hunting Equipment
A homebrew PVC Beam
A tape-measure Beam
20dB in-line 20 dB SMA Attenuator
30dB in-line 30 dB SMA Attenuator
Most active US Website (Homing In): http://www.homingin.com/
IARU Region 2 (US) ARDF site: http://www.ardf-r2.org/
IARU Region 1 ARDF site: http://www.ardf-r1.org/
MicroFox site: http://www.byonics.com/ mf
VK3YNG DF Sniffer (AU): http://www.foxhunt.com.au/2m_ sniffer/manual.htm
Bob Miller Enterprises (US): http://www.rdfantennas. com/
Arrow Antennas: http://www.arrowantennas.com/arrowii/146-3ii.html
US Championship (Colorado August 2015)
US Championship (Colorado August 2015)
Note that Bob Miller is the US distributor of the VK3YNG DF Sniffer. And if you happened to have an interest in satellite work, the slightly more expensive Arrow 146/437/10 would do great both for RDF and satellite work — just don’t install the 437 elements.